Hey guys, I’m new here, and I posted at topic about my display problem already but I can’t find a way to delete it. Mods can if they want, I just made my own because my problem didn’t line up with the common cause of display issues.
On my Virtual Boy the right lens (that my left eye looks into) shows absolutely nothing. If I close my right eye, it’s just black. Through the left, the display’s fine often, not blurry, but I sometimes have a vertical line problem that distorts the display, not the common horizontal one I’ve seen fixes for. Last time I tried it (with Galactic Pinball), the vertical lines seemed to inch up the screen like weeds when action started happening.
The startup screen only shows two of the corner squares, the top right and bottom left squares, suggesting to me that the right lens generates the missing squares. When I ran the Left-B-Down-A-Up code for the alignment screen, it only showed the vertical lines, no horizontal line of any kind. Again, I believe the horizontal line is generated with the right lens, but I’m not a techie to 100% prove that.
Is my problem fixable with the oven or soldering techniques, or is something else, like a loose wire or dust buildup? Thanks for any advance help!