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@rubengarRegistered May 30, 2008Active 2 years, 8 months ago
72 Replies made

the character movement is OK! One question! when the caracter stop, how to stop always in the first frame of the animation?? and other cuestion because the caracter looks bad to go through the background!!

very very thanks!!!


I solved the problem !! I change the part in the BAT file that refers to padding the ROM!! thanks friends!!!!

Fwirt wrote:

I’m sorry rubengar, I don’t understand… Do you mean that when you include a file called “documents.h” your screen won’t display anything, or do you mean that if you try to include any more files in your program, your screen blacks out? Either way, unless you’re changing something in your main function, it shouldn’t be affecting your display… (Unless you’re running out of memory somehow?)

if I try to include any more files in my program, my screen blacks out.

Thanks for your time!!

Tanks for your time!!

what is the error?? the screen goes black when I include more documents. h!!!

akumie wrote:
how do you open the demos
I tried to rename the makefile and the c file to .vb but no look
maybe you need a program to add the cod before viewing it?

to operate in virtual boy need to be compiled with gccvb. The real value of the demos are to start in programming in virtual boy.

Sorry for my english!

ohh thanks! I’m starting to program for VB and will be of great help (soon I shall ask many questions, ejejeje)

(algún español que se anime a echarme una mano en la programación?, a mi lo que se me da bien realmente son los gráficos, gracias)

I agree. In my opinion the older version looks better. Tanks for your Gosub 3d!!

ohh, thank you very much for your work, after so long finally can enjoy these games!

oHH! Great work!!! :thumpup:

OHH fantastic demo!!, great job!!, I leave here a video for anyone who does not have flashboy


Wow, fantastic, thanks for your effort and keep alive the virtual boy!!

ohh the demo is very promising!, I would not be nothing programming but could help you in the creation of graphics if you are interested!!