I’d love some way to set the CSS “float” property of images, so that they’re left or right aligned, and text flows around them.
To the right should be a cool picture.
Just substitute gccVB for VECC in the tutorial. For gccVB, look in the “compile.bat” included in the “bin” folder for a description of how to get UE to run it.
It’s pretty easy to setup a user tool in UE. From the compiler example, you should be able to make one for the emulator. You should get both Red Dragon 0.38 and Reality Boy 0.81.
Since you said you’ve only used BASIC, here are some C tutorials:
– [u]http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/node4.html#SECTION00400000000000000000[/u]
– [u]http://cplus.about.com/od/beginnerctutoria1/l/blctut.htm[/u]
– [u]http://www.physics.drexel.edu/courses/Comp_Phys/General/C_basics/c_tutorial.html[/u]
– [u]http://kdat.csc.calpoly.edu/~ltauck/THESIS/C_Tutorial.html[/u]
You should use greyscale for the stereo shots, because the applet makes dark anaglyphs from red-scale.
Despite what the author says, I tried setting “stereoImage” to point to a stereo png, and it doesn’t work unless you use the standard “.png” extension. 😕
So, the command-line for Reality Boy 0.81 is:
reality_boy.exe rom.vb -dspmode side -flip
Then, using IrfanView, convert the screen-shots to PNG and put them in the “stereoImage” property of the applet.
Finally, use IrfanView to crop one image off the side and convert the other to red (delete the green and blue components) for the preview. I would also scale to 50% (192×112) and apply a 10% sharpen filter to each, but that’s just me 😉
BTW, does anyone else get a GPF in alleg40.dll when they try to take a screen-shot?
I’ve never gotten the front-end to work, either. It compiles (with a few warnings) but crashes very time. 🙁
Some people still have to actually work instead of just coding VB games…
If you want him to finish, pay his bills so he can quit his job 😛
(But, he’ll still have to finish my PCB before working on WarioWare, right Dan? ;-))
That’s Gunpei!
Get your romanization correct! 😛
Rock’n’Ball (nes)
Pinball (nes) (Simple, but fun :-D)
Alien Crush (tg16)
Devil’s Crush/Crash (tg16/pce/md)
You can’t use a bit, because most of the holes are too deep and narrow. Look in the hardware section of PlanetVB or go to http://projectvb.vze.com/ and see how to modify a flat screwdriver.
It’s happening again, and no amount of logging out and back in helps!!!
I even logged out, deleted the cookies, cleared the cache, and restarted the browser!
He wrote back:
your problem can be solved easily. If you use Java 1.4.0 or later, you
can directly use PNG and PNS files. My applet supports all image formats
which are supported by the Sun JRE and since version 1.4.0 PNG is
included. The ending of the name does not matter, thus you can directly
write .pns in your code instead of .jps
Please try it! It should work.Best regards,
Andreas Petersik
Don’t know why his website doesn’t mention that! :tounge:
So, I guess it’s dependent on what version of the runtime the user is running. I know mine is > 1.4, anyway…
I found this: http://www.jpsviewer.com/ImageGen.htm
It says it “comes free with” some free offline viewer, so I’m not sure how much trouble it would be for people to install. It also seems to be IE only, which probably really means Win32 only, since Opera and (I think) Mozilla support ActiveX plugins, in Windows.
I also wrote the Stereoscope Applet author about adding PNS support. 😉
Anaglyph is “Red/Blue” 😛
Actually, in RB and RD, they can be Red/Blue, Red/Green, or Red/Cyan (Green+Blue.)
There are stereoscopic viewer applets/plugins that take a “jps” (stereo pair JPEG, side-by-side, left image on right, extension JPS) and can output many viewer formats (including anaglyph) automatically. In this case, the screenshots should be in “Cyberscope” mode for Red Dragon (“Side-by-side” is broken; possibly in Reality Boy, too) with “Swap 3-D” checked.
JPEG artifacts suck, though, so it’s better to use “PNS” (stereo PNG; same layout as JPEG) and the apropriate applet/plugin. Again, for shots already made in anaglyph, ImageMagick (or something) could do the conversion to PNS.
I have one like that, too. Unfortunately, I got it like that, and don’t have the missing chunk. If so I’d just glue it back on. I still have my first stand intact, so I haven’t tried to repair it…
If you’re also missing the chunk, you could try to find a suitable piece of ABS to replace it with and glue it on.
If you have any tools, maybe you could bend a sheet of aluminum to the right shape and use rivets, epoxy, etc. to attach it.
Really, you’re only limited to those skills, materials, and tools you have or can obtain.
Let us know how it turns out.
Good luck
I concur! I especially like how the forum will look like a part of the site, rather than a separate, somewhat related site.
Sorry to see the cool animated logo go, but it’s probably for the best 😉
Can’t wait! 🙂
Uhh… Can anyone say “Off-topic”?
You’re thinking of subtractive color mixing, which applies to pigments, rather than additive mixing, which applies to light; like the light coming from the VB’s displays.
Take a look here: http://www.yorku.ca/eye/colormx3.htm
Imagine the yellow curve is the red light the VB produces, and the blue curve is the light allowed through your plastic lens.
As you can see by the size of the green region, if any light at all got through, it would be very dim, indeed. And that dim light would have to be red, since the light from the VB’s LEDs is quite pure.
Until science produces a material that can change the wavelength of light passing through it, you’ll just have to learn to like red 😉
Unfortunately, no… The problem is that the VB has literally hundreds of tiny little LEDs all fabricated on a single die with some logic and driving circuitry. Even if you could get LEDs that small, and in that quantity, and hook them up in two perfect rows, you’d have to reproduce that othe circuitry, too.
I’m not saying this is impossible (I hate that word ;-)) it does seem cost-prohibitive and time-consuming, to me.
My idea is to use quite small (but not quite VB-sized) LEDs and use fiber optics to put the light in the right spot. That still leaves the matter of the driver circuitry, but I know a bit how that works, and finding the details wouldn’t be that hard.
WOOT! Good job!
Which version of gcc/binutils did you patch? Since you mentioned fortran, it makes me think you used a different, or at least more complete, version. If you did, I’d love to get your sources (or a patch) and try building new Win32 binaries.
I’d like a standalone version that can coexist with otherwise-targetted gcc’s (like MinGW) without changing environment vars. Like the two that are used for Dreamcast development. Maybe also with Para’s linker-script compiled-in.
BTW, you’re welcome to padromvb. 😉 I’m sure you could make something even better yourself, anyway…
Can’t wait to see the cool VB stuff you make!
Slight flaw in your plan:
The Genesis cart has 64 pins, while an (8-bit) ISA card has 62. There’s an extra pin per row on the cart.
Digikey wants $13.12 for one! :woah:
Good thing those are pretty easy to cut and splice together…
Actually, as I mentioned in the OP, the best way would be a PCB. It would obviate the need to hand wire, and be strong enough to hold the cart outboard, sticking up in front of the VB. I think I’ll work on a layout for that. Time to make a Genesis edge connector for Eagle…