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@scooblee1Registered May 31, 2017Active 1 year, 11 months ago
22 Replies made

yeah same as y’all – backer, still no tracker. had some friends in the same boat asking me about it too,,

those features are pretty interesting. GBS import is a very unexpected, but welcome surprise! NSF too. I’m not familiar with .vba though, I’m guessing that’s a tracker-related format..?

also very excited to see what bombenleger looks like. I’m sure that’ll very well please too :>

it seems he’s alright! and the tracker’s in a final state:

there are screens of the tracker in this thread too. no word about Bombenleger just yet, but I’m to assume that’s probably of similar state..? hopefully more details on the both of these will be revealed soon, I’m anxious to see them in action (and with luck, maybe play with em too) !

wow! I was wondering if this would ever be released. had a friend ask me about it just yesterday too, funny enough..!

email hasn’t come in for me yet either.. I’m sure hoping it does soon – I really wanna try this out for myself :ooo

I’ve been looking into getting a SwanCrystal for months now, just didn’t have the money up until about now

I’m half interested for the games, and half, just like with all my hardware, to eventually play music off it (assuming I ever get around to learning what few sound tools exist eheh)
I just need to figure out what kinda games I wanna get..! as someone who doesn’t speak Japanese, that is

don’t quote me on it, but I thiiiiiiink it has similar methods for stuff like that. I’m almost totally certain it has audio expansion-out capabilities, just like the Famicom did (and GB, SNES, even if those didn’t use it iirc) so if that’s there, there’s little doubt you could pop in an extra mapper or somethin for that kinda stuffs

wow, next week? it’s good to hear some kind of word of a release time finally..!! hopefully everything will fall into place for it to actually come out then, heh.

also re: the songs in that video – I wouldn’t mind if he released those as demo tracks (the first two are some of my old FamiTracker modules), but tbh I’d rather make some fresh ones that utilize the VSU more, instead of being module-conversions.
anyway yeah gosh that’s great news, I can’t wait ^^

and of today, it’s been (over) 100% funded! with five days left, no less 😮


Got mine off eBay a little over two weeks ago with the original box (and a soldering job, at that!), came from what looks like a computer repair shop in California, but no telling if it was first bought in that area or not.
The box does have a date on it, 4/19/97, though I’m not sure that means anything. Gonna bet it’s a standard USA retail unit.

Ahh, this is the thing being teased on Discord! Been looking pretty cool so far, glad to see it’s becoming a game! Totally looking forward to the Kickstarter when that launches.

trailboss wrote:
Regarding music and what I’m trying to do on that front(…)

oooh..!! That sounds pretty neat too. [size=x-small](I wonder if you’d go as far on that GEMS parallel as to add stuff like the letterbox feature it had; would be neat for making dynamic music, heh)
Better music tools would be much appreciated, for sure. I’d totally like to pitch in something with the KS for that as well.

(edit) oh heck, a demo got posted right when I did heh
Was real neat to see this in those discord previews, but it’s cool to get to control it for myself.

Dragon Hopper… ;~;

Dragon Hopper… ;~;

Wow, these are real pretty! I’ve always felt like Metroid is a series that would look beautiful on the VB, and this only helps further that idea :p

Yuuup. Konami acquired Hudson somewhere around 2008-ish, I think? So that… complicates matters, if we’re having to look towards ‘Hudson’ for any answers.

Still nice that we received a response at all, I suppose.

I figure it’s probably just a mistranslation or misprint of Space Squash.

So, unless I interpreted them wrong, it was more or less some bits of the GB version ported over to the VB hardware… and for some reason, I hadn’t even thought of that beforehand (mostly because I had forgotten about the Land titles, oops.)

D’ya think perhaps something of that caliber would be possible with our current tools? [size=x-small]I wouldn’t mind doing the music porting job if any more news comes of MK’s tracker, but I haven’t seen anything of it for what feels like ages aaaaa

Oh dear, I do believe you’re (understandably) mistaken on your terminology ^^;
PC-Engine and the PC-x8 line of computers are not the same, even though both were developed by NEC (in conjunction with Hudson, relating to the PC-E).

PC-Engine is the TurboGrafx-16, which used the HuC6280A, a chip mostly based on wavetable synth and not FM synth. This is more accurate to a sound you could probably get off the VB’s VSU-VUE: https://youtu.be/9t80SrX-nXk
Or perhaps this… if you wanna juggle faux sample playback because VSU doesn’t have PCM output like the HuC does: https://youtu.be/8108XHXqitg

I do hope that clears things up a little 😀

Ohhh man, multiplayer Teleroboxer would be the best.

Wow, this is pretty amazing. Definitely looking to get one once I have a VB, even if nobody else around me does :p

StinkerB06 wrote:
Will you make a PC version? I wanted to make music for that poor red console.

To bring something back up from the original post:

Scooblee wrote:
…I’m no programmer, so instead I made a mock-up…

So… sorry, I don’t quite have the skills or knowledge to. I just wanted to pitch the idea in hopes that maybe someone would’ve been interested in picking it up. If someone does, then hey, I’ve got quite a bit of ideas scribbled down on how I’d like to see it work, and not just one simple mock-up image. I’ve been planning things out :p