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@scooblee1Registered May 31, 2017Active 2 years, 1 month ago
22 Replies made

Ah yeah. The SNES OST is the original, by Ocean composer Dean Evans (whose other works you should totally check out-
he has a Youtube channel with a lot of them on it). A couple of the tracks in SNES Waterworld were actually supposed to be used in a Green Lantern game, which ended up getting cancelled.

I believe it was Jonathan Dunn, another great Ocean composer, who transcribed (two of?) those tracks to the VB. While those transcriptions aren’t exactly as good as the originals (which is understandable, given such vast differences in audio hardware), it’s really nice to hear them on the hardware.

I’ve heard good things about NitroTracker. I suppose I oughta try it out sometime, even just for the novelty (since it is essentially FastTracker II, after all.)

I also never considered it much in all the brainstorming until a couple days ago, but I figure it’d be much easier to create a Windows/etc.-based tracker with some kind of a converter rather than something hardware-based, wouldn’t it? Not that I’m not fine with that, ofc.