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@seamRegistered July 10, 2017Active 4 years, 10 months ago
88 Replies made

I used to own the 1990 nintendo world championship cart. I actually got it back in 1990 when I was a kid and grew up with it in my game collection never knowing what it really was till I was like in my mid 20s, then I sold it like an idiot : /

ZeldaFan042 wrote:

Seam wrote:
anyone here in the usa still do the cable repairs? i dont own any tools to even attempt it


thank you, i hadnt stumbled across this thread yet

anyone here in the usa still do the cable repairs? i dont own any tools to even attempt it

Nes Freak wrote:

Seam wrote:
so i cant seem to find my copy 3d tetris and i thought to myself, oh, no biggie, last i checked they were like 12$ on ebay. now people are trying to sell them for 80-100 dollars LOOSE!!!!!!!!! what the hell has the virtual boy scene come to.. i understand waterworld and jack bros of course and space invaders etc … but 3d tetris? really? give me a break

Welcome to the future… thats all i can say.

The future is rough

so i bought what looks to be a mint condition virtual boy with stand and controller and charger with a seemingly mint condition blockbuster case for 220$ (plus 30 shipping) do u think i got ripped off? I feel like the case alone made it worth it. like the virtual boy and case are in unbelievable condition. looks like theyve never been used. what are your thoughts guys

yea its crazy. pretty upsetting really

mips5000 wrote:
I wanted everything video game related in 95, but didn’t feel compelled to blow my birthday/xmas load on it – so ebay when I had some disposable income.

I wish I got mine at a yard sale or flea market before the days of “seller+smartphone+ebay = no deals to be had” and retro game stores buying all stock and driving the prices way up.

yea, that kinda disgusts me. luckily all retro games and consoles i actually bought when they came and and held onto. no such thing as deals anymore.

speedyink wrote:
Lol, only 499! Or 5 easy payments of $100!!

haha. Act now and we’ll throw in this used copy of mario tennis!

tydyedsyko wrote:
I believe asking to provide a working prototype prior to funding is missing the entire point of the funding. The ask is to provide funding to allow the developer the time to properly put forth to create the product without having to make too much of a financial sacrifice to their own livelihood. I would be very skeptical myself except for the vast amount of work and releases that M.K. has already produced without any funding and has provided to the community out of free will.

Have you seen:


Or acknowledged that M.K. decoded Mario’s Tennis to allow multiplayer and provided the patch to the community for all to enjoy? These are only examples from the past couple months. I am relatively new to this community but can see the hard work and time that was put in.

Yea you’re right, well put. I think people are just excited for any additional info at all. It’s very exciting stuff!

madmax wrote:
I would like to support a new VB game. However you should relaese a working prototype first. And furthermore please use Kickstarter. Collecting money in a forum isn’t very trustworthy imo. With Kickstarter you may reach a larger audience as well.

Yea I agree

Johnny Phantom wrote:
Hey Everyone,
Just stopping in, don’t want you to feel like i abandoned this. I still very much want to do this, and working on a few loose ends. I’m currently in the middle of packing up my house, moving it into storage, renovations, moving into another house, more renovations, and then finally moving into my new house. So it’s been super busy, I’m real sorry about the wait.

Soon I’ll start taking pre-pre-orders, where I’ll collect everyone’s name and email address and make a spreadsheet of everyone interested. Then I’ll create a mailing list and keep everyone in touch that way (using a BCC to make sure everyone’s email is hidden from the others).

It’ll make it easier for me as well as a few other reasons.

I’ll keep you posted!

Sorry again for the delay

Any update? I’ts been about 2 months, hoping this project is still alive 😀

M.K. wrote:
Sorry to crush your hopes, but it’s impossible to make HF playable over the internet.
It might be possible to play turn-based games like TicTacToe over the internet, but in case of existing realtime games this isn’t possible.
Depending on how the communication is implemented in a game, you will either get an unplayable slow framerate or the game won’t work at all.
Realtime games will work over the internet only if they are designed to handle the network latency.

Would youre upcoming starfox-clone be able to support the usb cable? Assuming it would even have a 2 player mode(which is probably unlikely)

welp, this is about the craziest thing ive ever heard of. i cant believe you got it to work!

i know the retroarch guys. they said it doesnt work. so red dragon would be the only option. which i guess doesnt work either. oh well.


is this video related to this project?

or is that from something else entirely

and what about the kit?

i do. i do i do i do. what are the prices of kit and assembled?

KJ4860, levine91, myself, and you are all in austin ,thats pretty awesome. yea maybe we can have a meetup sometime in the future!