I have so much respect for people that can open sealed collectibles.
When Covid first happened I thought the end was neigh and I unsealed a $100 LP. now its regret! haha
What I will do sometimes to prevent damage is loose in the shrinkwrap by cutting it just in certain spots, so its not squeezed so tight on there. But I still leave it sealed enough thats its new. cause Im weird 😛
Dude this is really, really cool. Thanks to going to all this effort to paint a picture with your words of the glorious museum goodies @dudeway4!
A great read, and tbh, sometimes it’s more fun to have a description rather than a shaky phone video. Lets the mind imagine the experience, feelings, sensations of experiencing the historical showcase ^_^
all designed, manufactured, assembled and shipped from USA by yours truly!
I also shipped out a bunch of special discount orders to people on my announce list 🙂
(message me if you want to be in the loop for future discounts and stocking info!)
awe, Thanks so much! That’s really sweet of you to say. I keep making Virtual Boy stuff because people in this community are just so nice and supportive 🙂
Woops, forgot to put the current pricing.
The current pricing is $11.99 each, or $23.99 for a set Shipping in USA is $6.
I’m offering a promotional of 50% off the Virtual Lens right now if ordering a Virtual Ribbon V4.0, Virtual Juice, or Uni-Gen off my site 🙂
my man there is no such thing as “a very small” demo. This is sweet and super cool like hub world. You made a demo for the VB! and its not even sprite-based! pat yourself on the back, and thank you!!
very cool, I love it when there’s an option for browser integration (and later life product support is always highly appreciated!) I think I have the original flashboy, so it might not work but that’s OK. Glad to see stuff like this 🙂
Hey this is so cool! Thanks for posting this here, always a huge bonus for documenting things 🙂
That racing games looks cool as heck! Man I hope a proto surfaces someday, would love to play an outrun style game like that on the VB.
Yeah, looks like you cannot get them anywhere I can find :/
I know Furrtek open sourced it. I was going to work on a kit for resale but then Furrtek became really hard to get a hold of (like, waiting >year now lol). I might dive into making this available after I release the Virtual Juice, if no one has done it by then.
>>Strangely, both LEDs have issues when they are both plugged in.>> it may seem strange, but they actually share a lot of pins on the data bus (they both have matching shift registers). So this is common behavior if one is faulty.
Are you sure you measured the right spot? There is supposed to be a bridge when you move that red box one pin over. But not where it currently is.
>>What causes a bridge to occur when the system is turned on? >>
floating data bus, intermittent connection, crappy 25 year old melted ribbon cable… 😉
Hey, sorry this upgrade isn’t working for ya. There are a lot of variables I cover in my install video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTYOS5VwIDw), however, let me also ask:
1. Can you show close-up pics of your install?
2. How many years of SMD soldering experience do you have (suggested 10+ years in the video). Do you have all the tools from the video?
3. Did you use NC-559 flux?
4. Did you test continuity across the ribbon from VB motherboard to the small pitch eye connector?