Alright I got the merge tool working and found that my dumps were bad so I had to do some wire tracing and ended up finding a few wires in the wrong places, it will have to wait until tomorrow for me to redump them, but if all goes well Space Invaders & Virtual Lab should be out tomorrow.
I messaged NorkUSA but have not recieved any type of reply, Vectrexer was also willing to send me an SD Gundam once everything is working.
My cart dumper is finished and Virtual Lab and Space Invaders have been dumped, still need to figure out how to merge the files and then test them to make sure they work but if everything goes well they should be available sometime next week.
i feel like there are alot of people out there, that cant afford to buy these expensive games and dont feel the roms will decrease the value of the actual games (collectors will still be trying to get them).
I do believe all of the games have been dumped, just not released.
If you want the game that bad just bid on them the next time they pop up. Speaking of that anyone know of anyone that wants to get rid of a virtual bowling.