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@smokemonsterRegistered November 8, 2017Active 5 years, 7 months ago
16 Replies made

I have a friend who might be interested in coding this (https://github.com/rattboi), but he said that the source that’s shared isn’t for the latest version. Could you please post your latest source, MK?

Awesome idea, Thunderstruck. I just wrote this up for RetroRGB https://www.retrorgb.com/virtualtrex-vectrex-emulator-for-virtual-boy.html

Bob will probably cover it in his Weekly Roundup next week https://www.youtube.com/RetroRGB

Great work on this, and thanks for posting the patch and ROM.

I’m very interested in this. I’ve passed on your info to Bob from RetroRGB for his Weekly Roundup News on YouTube.

Backed! Congrats and thanks for taking this project on. I had a lot of hope placed in Red Dragon but that never took off like we all hoped. PVB Emu sounds killer!

I think he just made a batch, so there might not be a waiting list at all right now. Richard is the man 😀

I’ve now found all of these, thanks.

Incredible work on this, MK. I have been blown away by how well the majority of games work.

I spent several hours testing GB games last night, and have a big pack of converted games that generally work.

I streamed about your emulator on my YouTube channel as I prepared the conversions:

I would love to see work continue on this, and I’m sure we could even put together crowdfunding to support you if it would help.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by SmokeMonster.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by SmokeMonster.

That is extremely helpful, thanks again Ben 😀

Yeah, you’re correct that “freely distributed” or just “not-for-sale” would be a better fit since they are all still owned by their creators, unlike public domain which applies more to copyright expiration. I should have just called them “free”. I can’t edit the post though it seems.

Thanks, Ben, for that link. I had seen planetvb’s homebrew page, but I didn’t realize there were more titles listed under the different tabs. That seems to be every single VB homebrew in existence.

Thanks. I found those three over at NintendoAge though, so I’m just looking for V Tetris and Teleroboxer now.

Sorry to necro this, but some dangerous points remain:

1. Feeding AC current to any DC powered device is a great way to kill it. The VB is designed for DC only. Never feed it AC.

2. The US Tap is designed for an SNES PSU SNS-002, which is DC 10V 850mA. Do not use an NES PSU, which is AC 9V!

An on-spec Jag PSU is better than the SNES PSU for VB on paper at least. It’s a perfect match to the 9V that the VB wants and has more amperage. In reality, it depends on the output of your particular PSU.

For US Tap owners: Unless you have spare SNES power supplies on hand, the best solution would probably be to use the US Tap with this adapter by Console5 which allows you to use the cheaper Genesis PSU (DC 9V/1.2A).

Again, do not follow the advice in this thread and feed a VB AC current. It is a DC device…

I bought a FB+ from Richard, so I’m no longer looking for a used one.

I’m interested 😀

Cool project. I could be interested depending on the price.

I just bought a VB, so it looks like I need another one of Richard’s great flash carts. I have the VecFlash and VecMulti too 😀