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@snatcherRegistered July 22, 2013Active 11 years, 2 months ago
4 Replies made

Never mind it didn’t go through…. -_-

Lester Knight wrote:
the fact that you want to include act-3 is rather amazing. there was talk about upgrading the reproduction carts if/when the street fighter game is completed. it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that perhaps your finished game could see a reproduction run, complete with box and manual.

i have not viewed the msx version of snatcher for years. do you feel the graphics will merge well with the sega cd sprites? i also can’t recall what parts were censored when the game was brought to the sega cd. was there anything in act-3 that would need to be addressed and/or uncensored?

i don’t know how you feel about the nudity found in the original game. i feel it was how the game was designed to be, and representative of a dystopian future. i always felt that they hurt the integrity of the game by removing it, yet i fully understand why they did it for the younger american audience.

if you are going to bring over the 3rd act, have you given any consideration to the extended intro that was added to the sega cd version?

since the snatcher DS demo was release, i’ve wanted to see a remake/port to another system. the 3d environments of the vb would be really great for this game. keep up the good work!

That actually sounds amazing! A full Snatcher Game on one cartridge. I can only only hope the memory holds up.

Lol, I’ll try my best to convert 16 bit sega cd sprites to 8 bit MSX-looking spites for Act 3. As for the censored parts in Act 3, in the japanese version, Elijah Modnar is called Elijah Madnar. Also the american version (Sega CD) gave Elijah longer hair than the PC Engine did. When I convert the Sega Cd sprites back to 8 bit, I’ll be sure to make the adjustments so it is more like the Japanese version 😉

As for the nudity in some ports of the game, I’m going to exclude it. I understand your point that it adds to the “dystopian feel” to the game, but at the same time Kojima removed it from future installments and ports of his game (Playstation and Sega Saturn) because of the graphic nature. Also, I just don’t feel comfortable personally designing a game with it for the Virtual Boy, a console that has such innocent fun games, and I’m probably not going to mention this fact again. I hope you understand.

On a lighter note I have thought about the extended intro of the Sega Cd version and decided I’m probably going to include it, in addition to this I want to put the manga opening in as well. This however, probably won’t be in the demo, but will be in the final game.

Thank you all for so much support! I hope the final product is pleasing!

Just for fun, this is the box art I designed a while back:

Hopefully, but I doubt I would be able to. I would probably run into the same problem that Guy Perfect ran into when trying to port F-Zero over to the VB. The game will probably be in three parts, much like the three acts in the sega cd version (sort of like a trilogy 🙂 ). Acts 1 and 2 will be easier to make due to the abundance of most of the 8-bit sprites available online, but Act 3 will have to be converted from the Sega Cd’s 16 bit graphics to 8 bit, so the VB won’t be overloaded. Thank you all for so much support, I hope the finished product is a proud title for the VB.

I will try to get my project in, however I am new with programming and my time is very limited. 🙁 But I will try to get some sort of demo in! 🙂