Ah ok, thanks for information! Somehow I like the white Background more than the dark. Maybe red looks nice also 😉
But it’s a cool idea to show your collection. Is it possible to show the Virtual Boy console in that way too?
We don’t need a teleporter! When I win the lottery I will chater a plane for us… ok, when I have some Million Dollar I can buy these machines. But I’m sure I won’t find these flooring 😀
I really like to see and play them!
Where is the Flashboy? I did add it for you 😛
But seriously: I don’t want to corrupt your work, it’s a nice picture even it’s photoshopped. But I agree with KingDedede, some cover have a different contrast like Galactic Pinball and Red Alarm.
Let us know, Hedgetrimmer 😉
I have it and I hate it! And because it is one of worst handhelds I love it. In Europe it’s an uncommon system and the game titles promised a lot of fun (Duke Nukem, Jurassic Park, Resident Evil, Virtua Fighter, Sonic etc.). So I gave it a try and was shocked! I own three games: Jurassic Park The Lost World and Sega Fighters Megamix, they are unplayable bad. The best game is Lights Out, it makes really fun.
Didn’t know that the Game.com has an internet connectivity function :rolleyes
gunpeiyokoifan schrieb:
DanB wrote:
You’re in good company, we all love our Virtual Boys here 🙂even in the way I do? 😛
I don’t want to know what you are doing with your VB, except playing Mario’s Tennis…
But read the VB Instruction Booklet on page 16:
8. DO NOT spill liquids on the Virtual Boy, Game Paks, or any of the Virtual Boy components.
15. Connect ONLY Nintendo Authorized “accessories” designed for use with the Virtual Boy.
Sorry for a second posting, but I can’t edit or delete my other posting anymore. So please ignore my other posting 😉
Those glasses offered on ebay have red/blue (red/green) glasses. I found this picture on our lovely site:
So my information about a special Virtual Boy system with red/blue 3D technolgy are true. But I don’t want to discuss it in this topic. Maybe I have to ask Chris 😉
Those 3D glasses are not the Red/Blue variety. I’ve never seen them but I do have the Nintendo Power 3D glasses which have clear lenses and make the red jump off the page to some degree. Maybe these work the same way? In that case they probably would work with the video boy.
Your right, this glasses dont’t have red/blue filter 😉 I thought it might be incomplete without red/blue filter. But it make sense when the Nintendo Power 3D Glasses have the same technology. Anyway, the Nintendo Power Glasses were used for pictures right? I think these 3D glasses on ebay are different. The can only be used for videos.
I have found a video (it is also available on planetvb), which shows the use of this 3D glasses offered on ebay:
In 1:43 you can see it. I think it is using another special hardware for this 3D-effect. So the VB TV is for developer only. Like the Game Boy Wide-Boy to test GB games on TV.
I wonder why the seller of the 3D glasses can say its “fully working”. To test it he would have to have the whole system at home 😉
And the information about red/blue 3D technology maybe isn’t reliable. It would not make sense to use this old technology.
- This reply was modified 14 years, 5 months ago by SNK.
Yes, it is the same. The last time it was offered on ebay was in april this year for the same price and 18 buy offers (old link). Would like to know how much they offered. I’m sure he won’t get more than 1000$ for it 😉
But it is a intresting hardware. Look at this ebay auction:
I found some information about a special VB hardware which was used at the Spaceworld 94 with a red/blue 3D effect for showing games on normal screens in 3D. Maybe this goggles and the “VB TV” were used together. But this “VB TV” seems not to have such an option for red/blue 3D graphics.
Hey! I can’t really help you with technical things, but I have noticed the delay (4-6 seconds until sound or picture appears) when you turn the power on. My first thought was it is caused by the starting engine inside the VB. When you turn it on, you can hear and fell it working.
But there is one VB game, where the sound already starts 1/2 second after power on the system: Virtual League Baseball/Virtual Pro Yakyuu ’95.
Maybe it is helpful for you 😉
a TV Boy (also called “Video Boy”) for… $50,000.00! http://cgi.ebay.com/Nintendo-Virtual-Boy-TV-Boy-VIRTUAL-BOY-GAMES-TV-/110569292516?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19be7182e4
Wow! Thats a hot item! But I think he won’t sell it for this price 😉 It’s difficult to set a price for such rare item, which nobody have seen before. When I was him I would make it public on the internet before selling it. I have the same problem with a non-released gaming system. Because it’s unknown nobody want to pay a high price until I arouse collector’s interest.
I got a Virtual Boy Rental Carrying Case today for 200$, after cutting the price. It is in a good condition I think. With some light scratches on box and a little scratch on the red Virtual Boy sticker., it’s ok. Inside the box is a complete Virtual Boy system with an extra AC adapter and Mario Tennis. Now I have two VBs. I’m sure I can sell one for 200$. So I payed nothing for the case 😀
I know I haven’t been here that long *but* I know I have had a passion for the VB since my childhood when it came out and I would like to contribute something significant to the VB community some day. I wasn’t suggesting the existing FB is flawed, I would just like to harness some of its awesomeness and try to improve on the design a little. If you’re suggesting I wouldn’t put love into it you’ve got another thing coming!
Hey! Please don’t take it too seriously 😉 Maybe your idea is a bit inappropriate in this topic about selling the Flashboy to make big money. Thats why I missed LOVE.
Keep cool! 😎
Good luck with a new flash cart, Vaughanabe13!
But you will have a bigger problem than to find the right flash memory chips. There is one element built in the Flashboy, which makes the FB perfect. But you won’t be able to find it. And when you think you found it, you can’t buy it. Even if your able to buy it you will realize, it’s not the same you were looking for. It is unreachable, priceless!
The element I’m talking about is LOVE. the Flashboy consists of 2% turnover, 20% fun, 38% skills, 50% LOVE (this information is supplied without liability!). It is the LOVE from the bottom of Chris’ and Richie’s hearts for the Virtual Boy and for the community. Even if exists another flash cart, cheaper and better with an amount of thousand units, it won’t be the same.
Let me give an example:
one night with my lovely girlfriend isn’t comparable to one night with any other girl (ok, it depends on the hotness of the “ohter girl”, but it’s still not the same 😉 )
GabrielHanson2000 schrieb:
My Mario’s Tennis has that problem, but it may be fixed. Nintendo stuff seems like it tries to fix itself, like my Gameboy is trying to fix it’s screen problem with little success. I had a copy of Mario Clash that didn’t work, but it worked the next day. Just try waiting, it will fix itself. 😉
Yeah, maybe wacky Wario is blocking my cart… I hope he changes his mind in a few days. I will let you know, when its fixed 😉
Have you tried inserting and pulling it out of the VB a few (or a lot of) times, that might wear through possible oxidation.
I tried it more than a few a lot of times 😉 But I doesnt help.
Also, opening the cartridge will not help you get closer to the contacts… Besides, they’re actually little tubular sockets, so you can’t really clean them, anyway (other than with the VB itself, as the others have said). You may be able to clean them chemically, but I have no experience with that, so I can’t really advise (actually… I advise you not to attempt that ).
Ok… So its only a piece of plastic now?! I dont want risk my life for that and dont try to clean it with chmicals 😉
I have a better solution now: I will get a new cart for free 🙂
Thanks for help!