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@srimokRegistered March 11, 2011Active 1 year, 8 months ago
72 Replies made

Please post more photos ASAP. If this is legit, I would be willing to offer $250,000 CAD for it. I am located in Canada and can fly out wherever you are. We can do the deal in person, cash. This game needs to be preserved.


I’m shocked no one has replied yet. If this is legit it would be the single most important Virtual Boy discovery ever! I hope you have possession of the game by now. If not, go now! If you don’t have the money let me know I’ll buy it with the intent to dump it for public release.

Protoman85 wrote:

Galactic Pinball (U) Complete x4
Baseball (U) Complete x3
Wario Land (U) Complete x4
Panic Bomber (U) Complete
Mario Clash (U) Complete x4

What’s the point of having so many copies of the same game?

I think I owned 25 Complete Wario Lands at one point lol. Pretty hard to resist at $5 a piece.

Virtual Boy console (U) Complete
Ac adapter (U) Mexico sealed
Ac adapter (J) Complete x2
Flash Boy Plus Complete

Galactic Pinball (U) Sealed
Red Alarm (U) Sealed
Teleroboxer (U) Sealed
Baseball (U) Sealed
Golf (U) Sealed
Vertical Force (U) Sealed
Wario Land (U) Sealed
Panic Bomber (U) Sealed
Mario Clash (U) Sealed
3D Tetris (U) Sealed
Nester’s Funky Bowling (U) Sealed

Water World (U) Complete
Jack Bros (U) Complete
Galactic Pinball (U) Complete x4
Red Alarm (U) Complete
Teleroboxer (U) Complete
Baseball (U) Complete x3
Golf (U) Complete
Vertical Force (U) Complete
Wario Land (U) Complete x4
Panic Bomber (U) Complete
Mario Clash (U) Complete x4
3D Tetris (U) Complete
Nester’s Funky Bowling (U) Complete

Space Squash (J) Complete

jrronimo wrote:
He’s asking for our guess at what it’d be worth.

I’d guess it should start at $800. That seems to be what sales are going for…?



ectoglow wrote:
This may sound like a dumb question, but have you checked eBay? I ask because I KNOW i have seen at least two CIB power supplies pass through there since this was posted first.

Do you have the “Performance” AC adapter already or are you looking to just complete the “two Tone” VB collection (all official US goods that came in the blue/red boxes).

I check Ebay every single day. They are either unwilling to ship to Canada or in very poor shape.


Still looking

When I saw that pen I thought it looked familiar. I looked though all my pens and found this one which is absolutely identical except for the color and VB branding. Not sure if anyone else finds this interesting. Might be smart to look out for reproductions.


jrronimo wrote:
I think TheForce does fixes for people, so you might be able to do that if your cables aren’t too mangled. If they are, you can probably buy a broken one on eBay and still have him do the fix.

I’ve already been contacted by someone willing to fix them but they are too mangled. I wish I could buy a broken one off Ebay but hardly anyone is willing to ship to Canada.

If anyone has a broken one for sale on here I’m interested.

Terribly sorry for the delay. I have contacted the person who originally stated they would be able to make the boxes many times and they no longer answer my emails. I have tried dealing with one other person who was a total waste of time even though having an excellent reputation. I shipped him a box and manual at his request and the final product was some strange 80% size box made of thin glossy paper that had graphics overlapping everywhere. Cost me $30 for something I could have made myself in under 20 minutes. I am still contacting other repro makers but I am getting kinda fed up of things falling through. If anyone knows anyone reputable who can make these let me know. I realize how long this has gone on for now and I apologize. I will do everything in my power to see this through.

The oven trick is very easy, straight forward, and safe. The only problem is it is not permanent. I have had great success with the oven trick then wrapping a piece of tape around the connection so the ribbon doesn’t pull away from the board.

e5frog wrote:
2)Benjamin Stevens
5)Randy Jeffery
9) Bigmak
12)Robert Molander (Gamewarriors)
18)Robert Molander (Gamewarriors)

What’s the deal with the instruction booklet, is it a complete booklet or just the cover? If it’s just the cover, what’s the point? 😉

There is a full instruction book. I am too lazy to find it right now but it is the same one that has been posted over and over I am just changing the cover.

Lester Knight wrote:
I was curious if the box has that area inside to hold the game, like the retail boxes did?


Just steal one from a copy of Virtual League Baseball. It is probably cheaper than having them made.

VBrulez wrote:

Srimok wrote:
Nothing too special but I figured I would get this started.

Nothing to special. Thats a really impressive collection. Sealed Vertical Force, nice.

They are all sealed except Jack Bros 🙂

It’s probably going to take me awhile to find that one.

Nothing too special but I figured I would get this started.


L___E___T wrote:
I’m starting to think we should do the same for Space Pinball to be honest…

I’m having a very difficult time getting this one going so don’t look at me lol. I’m also not terribly interested in it to be honest. It is a prototype that we already have a released version of. It was never going to be released like Bound High was.

83skillz wrote:
Do you know if we will get sent messages here when payment is due or will we be contacted through the email address we used to set up our planetvb account?

I’m probably just going to post the link in this thread.

83skillz wrote:
Quick question, i know there was talk about a run of 20 of these at first, then someone had said we could keep the list going. Im number 25 on the list and i just want to make sure there will be a copy for me. I’ll be ready to pay whenever the money is needed. I have my cart of the game on the way now, so the box/manual would be a sweet addition! Just let me know, thanks!

They will make as many as necessary. There are even larger discounts at 50 but I don’t think we will be getting there.