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@stealthninjascytherRegistered September 15, 2004Active 5 years, 11 months ago
23 Replies made

My biggest gripes are the limited ammo and all enemies taking multiple hits. Unlimited ammo for primary weapons and basic enemies dying in one shot are shooter staples. It is much more playable than SU2010 so you’re making good progress.

I submitted a new time for Wario Land. I could probably shave down a few more minutes, but it would be tough.

Laziness. I did a speed run a few years back, I just never bothered to submit my times.

That and there’s no real scene for high scores in the community.

I would like to see a racing or Space Harrier type game. Both would make very good use of the VB’s 3D.

The problem with aiming using the right D-pad could be avoided with restricting the aiming to predefined angles. 3D cross hairs could help too.

Use the program joytokey. It’s great.

Heh, I get Gamepro too. I don’t know why they still keep sending them, my free subscription should have ran out long ago, though apparently this isn’t an uncommon occurrence. Makes me feel sorry for all the people who actually pay for a subscription.

Anyhoo, nice to see some coverage on the VB, and it was nice that the people at Gamepro gave credit to Gunpei Yokoi. But they just had to mention the headaches… 🙁 Seriously guys, not everyone gets headaches from the VB. Oh well.

Take it slow. Focus on firing on him for awhile and then switch to the health replenishing ship when needed. Depending on your dodging skills it may take awhile, but this strategy is pretty surefire.

A fanbase? Hahahaha. The VB community is pretty small as it stands and producing merchandise for games that were never released probably isn’t going to bring anyone new to the community.

In all honesty, Shaq Fu probably has a bigger following than the VB…

*Checks profile*

Okay, I get it now. And I thought trolls were incapable of doing something original. XD

Try Red Alarm. Your memory is probably playing a few tricks on you though, as the event you describe isn’t in the game. But it’s definitely Red Alarm you’re thinking of.

Not that I know of. You might be able to get someone here to build you a dev cartridge and put all the homembrew games/demos onto it. Unfortunately theres not a whole lot of homebrewn anything for the VB. Blox is currently the best out there, and it doesn’t even have music(though it is a nice game otherwise).

But the level that the emulation is at leaves a lot to be desired, especially if you don’t have any shutter glasses to more accurately reproduce the the real VB experience. It would probably be a lot easier to simply buy a VB since they’re so cheap anyway.

You can use the program joytokey to map the buttons on your controller to the keystrokes used by the emulator.


Unfortunately, with the way the actual virtual boy controller is set up it’s hard to get a configuration that works well with games that use both D pads. Though it probably shouldn’t be too hard to find one that works well with Vertical Force.

Really? That’s great to hear.

Hmm, sometimes problems like this are the result of dirty contacts, but since it affects all your games maybe it’s the pins on the system itself. So try cleaning those with some rubbing alcohol or something. But I don’t think that’s the problem, it sounds more like it has something to do with the display itself being slightly misaligned or something, and I wouldn’t know how to fix that…

Hm, that’s probably a part of why the values of the rare games have been decreasing, people have figured out that they’re not so rare as they once seemed.

Yeah, I actually remember visiting some of those old VB sites when they were still new. I can distinctly recall hearing about a rare Japanese game that at the time was translated to “In Mouse’s House.” Good times. At least we still dream about copies of Bound High, Zero Racers, Faceball, and Dragon Hopper eventually being released in some form…

Oh, and Heppner, lay off on the roms. The current owners have legitimate reasons to not want them released publically given the odd nature of the VB market. Just wait, they’ll be released eventually, I can practically guarantee it. It might just be a few years…

“nobody is going to pay $1000 for a game that they can just download”

No. Sure, releasing the roms may decrease the value of the games somewhat, but this statement just isn’t true. For the most part the people who buy games for that much are the collectors. The kind of collectors who don’t even play the games. Releasing the roms to people who would never pay the collector prices isn’t going to make much of a difference. EDIT: Or it shouldn’t, crazy backwards collectors.

Just look at the Neo Geo collectors market. There is this one rare game, well, the game itself isn’t really all that rare, it’s widely available in various forms(MVS and AES and the corresponding regions for each) and the rom certainly is no chore to find. However for some reason the European AES release of the game is extremely rare. And despite the wide availability of games that are pretty much identical beyond the packaging and format, the rare version still fetches rediculous prices. I think the last one went for about $12,000.

The point is, the games in question aren’t valuable because they’re rare and people want to play them. They’re mostly valuable because they’re so rare and not too much else. Unless the VB market is so messed up that people are willing to pay those prices just because they want to play the game. And in that case… 0_o

If you had just left it at “The collectors will be mad if we do anything that might possibly decrease the value of their games” I wouldn’t have said anything.

EDIT: Okay, so maybe the VB market is affected by roms more than I would have thought… I haven’t been following the collectors scene really. But hasn’t the market been steadily decreasing for awhile now? And not just the games with the released roms, I mean like all of it. Doesn’t seem like any of the rare stuff on ebay now is selling…
Post Edited (03-05-05 09:29)

What is the logic behind releasing the roms anyway? Seriously, what difference would it make?

Yeah, they’ve tried using homemade link cables, but it was a no go. Kinda sucks…

This was the first remix I downloaded from OCR. More than a hundred remixes later it’s still one of my favorites. Right after I heard this I played through Red Alarm to see if I had overlooked its music. Unfortunately the title song is probably the best in the game, not that the other music is bad, it just doesn’t stick out as much.

What kind of language does the Virtual Boy use anyway? I’m taking my first programming class right now, learning Java. If I can manage to get good enough at it I’d like to start making my own games. And for some reason I want to make one for the VB…