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@svenk91Registered May 7, 2010Active 1 year, 3 months ago
71 Replies made

I saved 3D tetris for a special occasion. I guess that’ll be tomorrow.

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:

but what about that VB in my dreams that claimed it was a Virtual Girl that I saved from haters that was red? 😯

Maybe she was undercover?

I’d call it a good game/movie when it has the VB in it being played on :p

I go with the rarity scale. When I actively extended my collection (got all US games now, don’t really want the japanese games that much…) I would check all new virtual boy related ebay auctions once a day, that gave me a good knowledge of what something is worth.

Aren’t all roms together under 50MB? Homebrew is not that much larger is it?

I have little fear at all for batteries actually. I like to put those small watch/computer/cartridge batteries on my tongue and suck on them like a mint. Gives a good tingly feeling!
Maybe you should try that, if you can do that you’ve got nothing to fear!

You can use the US adapter you already have.

I got some adapters (not virtual boy, I got a step-up converter to get it to work since 240V is a bit much for it) that take anything between 100-240 volts.

Many European only adapters take 220-240 volts. Changes are virtual boy adapters (mine is to far away to look at it for you, I’m so lazy 😛 ) also have a variable voltage input, it should be on a sticker on the AC adapter.

So you bought a camcorder, and don’t know what to do with it? Seems like a bad way to spend money (that could’ve gone to more VB games a flashboy 😉 ).

Why not make a flashcart that has an internal 128MB micro-SD card and card reader?

128MB is more then enough since the biggest commercial games are only 2MB and it comes eve ncheaper if you buy them for all flashcarts at once. Plus you can build in the card reader so you still have only a usb port for those that don’t have a (micro) SD card reader.

And if for some reason (secret storage or something :question: ) you really need more space you can open up the flashcart and replace the micro-sd card anyway.

You’d probably still need some flash the VB loads from directly because the VB can’t know what to load on the micro-SD card. And the menu you need to have on that flash that loads games from the SD-card will most likely be the hardest to make.

I know the guys over at neoflash have done such a menu for the N64 and are busy making it for their snes card (SD card reading). It’s open source so maybe you can learn how they did it if any of these consoles is similar to the VB.

HorvatM wrote:
In case you’re going to switch…

Switch to Opera. I’m not going to list why, but you should give it a try. (BTW, if you’re comparing features, Opera has lots of them and is very customizable.)

I’d say, go with that advice.

I wish I bought a box of SD gundam for 6 dollars a game. I’d be rich ;p

learn coding and make some VB homebrew, and although you just started coding, maybe you’ll claim the 10th prize.

If you learn to code now, by the time the deadline passes. You’ve already started coding.

Well a little joke can’t be that bad right (I’m a teenager myself)?

Are there any prototype link cables out there btw? That would make a cool addition to the collection.

DogP wrote:
Just because there’s no monetary loss, it doesn’t make it legal. Of course companies are typically worried more about money than legalities, so if you start up a page selling bootleg VB games and a page selling bootleg Wii games… the Wii one will get shut down quickly, the VB one may or may not at all.


Nintendo would probably shut it down because it could give Nintendo a bad name if it turns out many of the available cartridges are bootlegs or they malfunction more often.

I don’t recall Nintendo making much of a problem of legacy console emulators. But best not the post roms on this site!

OT: I bought the US version because I couldn’t handle the menu’s in Japanese >:-D

Instead of going for staff on a VB site with so little VB news around, and instead of donating cash. You could add some so called “creative content”.

There is a coding competition going on, learn coding and make some VB homebrew, and although you just started coding, maybe you’ll claim the 10th prize. At least some glory!
Also you could look where content is missing on planetvb. Like games that still not have screenshots or a description. If you could provide some screenshots I’m sure it would be appreciated.

Instead of just donating, you could support planetvb by pre-ordering a flashboy. Selling those will keep the site up to.

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:

10. I meant besides the internet

How do you mean? Besides the internet? There is more? 😐

Nah, just kidding. My friends do know of my VB but are not really interested so I don’t talk about it alot. Only when my mother complains I wasted money on another one of those games :rolleyes .

Any nintendo cartridge from the snes and later, and also multiple nes carts have batteries. ot the mention nearly every gameboy game!

Just think of the horror of a VB cartridge battery deciding to leak on your head! You’ll have to spend the rest of your life without a brain!

“How does one become a PVB staff member?”
If the VB love is strong within you you will be contacted by the PVB staff when you’re still at very young age. You will be trained throughout your youth as a so called pvbawan and at the end must face several difficult trials.
“Do Virtual Girls exist but hide like boy ladybugs(pixar “a bugs life” reference) and how can you tell which is which?”
They seem to have existed but no signs have been seen since 1996, they are rumored to be extinct and only legends remain. There disappearance is the direct cause for the decline in the VB population as no new units are created anymore and the VB becomes a dying breed.
“is the VB Red/Black or Black/Red?”
It’s neither and both.
“with all those on PVB who have two or more VBs as backup or collecting such as getting a Japanese model if they have a US model, should I get another VB?”
You should try to gather as much VB’s as you can and safe them from perilous dusty locations like old boxes and attics. Every VB you has earned the right of a respectable home and we are the ones to make that so.
“which VB game is your favorite?”
I’d vote the flashboy, for it has all at your command! But since I don’t have one I will leave this question unanswered, for it good very well contain small parts that are hazardous to ones throath and thus would not be the best.
“what do you nickname your consoles/handhelds?”
I don’t.
“does KR155E’s fabled “VB tower” exist?”
I do not know of it existence, my source do not show one: http://www.planetvb.com/modules/usercenter/?section=collection&uid=1 unless you mean the debugger, that is certainly tower shaped.
“what will you do on Gunpei Yokoi’s Birthday? (September 10th)”
I probably just started my new study then, I think I’ll be drinking beer and totally forget.
“does anyone have any spare VB carts?”
I do, often when I bought a game somewhere and they had a vb game for under 5 dollars.
“have you ever mentioned the Virtual Boy in public?”
Is it not so, that this very site is available to be read by all?
“do you have other consoles/handhelds that are Red/Black?”
Although my NES’s has much black and some red, it’s main color would be gray and I’m not sure if I can count it in. If I may, yes, if not, then no will be my answer.
“what would you do if you were a VB for a day?”
I’d continue my search for Virtual Girls and a proper link-cable to… “interact”.
“if a virtual boy(non-real human) was playing a Viirtual Boy (console) would he be a Virtual Virtual Boy Boy?”
It’d be a VB playing a VB.

Actually, in my opinion the only question too silly, crazy and slightly awkward question to answer is:

are all the other ones too silly, crazy or awkward to answer?

and I answer it with: Offcourse not milady.

That’s a huge waste! How come you have such a large collection of unplayed games? It’s not the leaking batteries used for saving is it?

If people destroy my VB, I probably gave them a good reason. So I’d either continue hiding or drink another sip of my beer depending on the actual situation.