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@svenk91Registered May 7, 2010Active 1 year, 3 months ago
71 Replies made

I’ve played doom since I was 3 (and actually made many lvls, though I can’t remember if I used godmode or not :rolleyes )and still haven’t slaughtered anyone.

I’d say order online so, uh, You’re parents don’t have to go through that much trouble and that’d make it easier for them to agree with you on any discussion there might be.

As long as you’re stoned, build a holographic display!

Can’t you ask someone to check it for you?

Nice one, I ordered one already :p

http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p4634.m570.l1313&_nkw=radica+Stealth+Assault&_sacat=See-All-Categories not that expensive, and can always sell it for nearly the same price if you end up to dislike it.

I’ve put my hands on batteries that have leaked in the past, when it’s dried up it’s nothing to worry about (I did wash my hands afterwards to be sure though). Acid would probably go through the plastic of the handhelds first before it goes through your fingers, so if you handhelds can handle it, so can you!

Look what I found: http://www.goatstore.com/Products/Nintendo/Virtual_Boy/213992/Virtual_Boy_Rental_Carrying_Case/
Last time I bought a item where the label was in poor condition it wasn’t that bad. You could mail him if you like a decent label.

RidingHero wrote:
lol, Tissue Paper dispenser? 😀

Well, if you still like that idea. Here: http://cgi.ebay.com/Nintendo-Virtual-Boy-3D-VB-HEAD-UNIT-CASE-repair-parts-/180531126477?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Video_Games&hash=item2a087e60cd just found that.

(to late to edit my previous post)

If you walk on your knees, you could make your legs the stand. And if you hold you arms wide the vb could be flapping under your arms, with the screens being red see through plastic.

Hedgetrimmer wrote:
play it play it play it play it……
and look for another. 😀

ps. hi virty

I’d go with that, don’t ever throw away the original pakacging, books or anything, not even stickers, plastic or garanty papers.

RidingHero wrote:
lol, Tissue Paper dispenser? 😀

You can even have two colo 😀 rs

I don’t dream about my VB 🙁

not what I can remember atleast.

Well I haven’t heard virty saying hello himself 🙁

But welcome (both of you) I’m sure you’re gonna like it. I started collecting VB games only months ago and expect to soon finally receive the last US game I still needed. Don’t really want the japanese games actually, I guess in the end I’m more in to it for the games then actually collecting (ok, I bought titles like waterworld to complete my US collection :p) since gaming on VB is great!

Also try visiting planet3ds.net it’s a very new site about the 3DS (duh) if you’re interested (don’t leave here though 😯 ).

I also ordered some orders at the goatstore, nice store owner 🙂

Is this going in the competition?

Voted color because I had the most fun on that. Would probably found a original gba with backlight and an accu the best if thad existed (didn’t like the shape/butten layout of the sp).

Even though it pains me to say it. congratulations, you deserved it!

It looks like you didn’t even bribed someone this time 😉

PS this thread can be closed now :rolleyes

My virtualboys right screen also seems to have problems at startup sometimes that go away after a few minutes, it’s not completely blank or anything, just some artifects.

TheForce81 wrote:
I am confident about the final against Spain! Though nothing is set in stone of course….

We’re gonna eat bull balls!

Everybody needs to start and 15 is an excellent age for it (the older you get, the harder it’ll be to learn new things). Just look up some coding tutorials (for c++ for example) and in weeks you could already begin a smb remake.

A remake could be possible, but I think it would take a lot of work. Maybe a nice project for yourself to start (virtual boy) coding? It would definitly make a good change in the coding competition.