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@thatguyinjapanRegistered April 27, 2013Active 9 years, 10 months ago
5 Replies made

I know that I can get you a copy of Space Squash for 5000 yen including shipping if you’re interested. local used bookstore here in Japan has it. I’m happy to purchase and ship it to you. 😀

Edit: It’s the Japanese version, in box.

Hey guys, Dude living in Japan with a BA in Japanese here. Second field reads as “Number”. My guess? perhaps this VB was a rental unit at some point? Would explain the label. Looks like a basic inventory sticker to me. Other option is that it was stored somewhere with a large volume of units, perhaps a used game store, and they wanted to make sure they kept everything together when they sold a unit? Just thinking aloud of course…


My left eye has horizontal scan lines. I’ve tried the oven method, and it did nothing. i tried several times, different temps, using clamps, no dice. I’m not comfortable doing the solder technique, my skills are somewhat lacking. However, I am happy to send the two cables to someone who could test and repair them using the advanced techniques. Also, noticed you have a non corroded battery pack for sale. Keen to add that to a package, were I to send you my dodgy parts?

U have a couple of VB units for sale right? got one with a guaranteed working left side LED array? if you were happy to rip the left and right units out and post me them, I’d offer you $20 US plus shipping to Japan. Help a VB fan out?