Yeah, the only one that says something true about the system is Chumlee that he wants to play the Virtual Boy. Hurts your eyes? Not mine. Can’t play it for more than 20 minutes? I can play it for 3 hours, haven’t tried longer 😛
Great to see someone being able to work out their project. Very nice! Not to bash the ones that can’t, as I understand the free time stuff and all, just complimenting Ruben on his work :thumpup:
Shipping to me from the USA shouldn’t be more than 10 bucks, had so many things shipped to me from the states. Even a complete VB was only 10 bucks in shipping costs. Though sending it back from me to you might be slightly more expensive, like 12-15 bucks. Accumulated it would be around 25 in total at most (if you just send the display units themselves in bubble wrap I guess you could send it over for 2 bucks) it still isn’t THAT expensive in my humble opinion 🙂
This is great news for the VB community, thanks for your efforts on this! While I already have my non Plus FlashBoy, I really love being able to play every game released for the VB and I hope others will enjoy this as well. Without the FlashBoy I would probably not have been this happy with my VB.
I really liked the review as well, very nicely captured the game in a video on hardware, very impressive! Love to see space Squash reviewed, I particularly like that game! Keep up the good work!
RunnerPack wrote:
Wow, so… out of 1100 registered users, twenty-nine people voted in the compo?! And (presumably) seven of those were the authors themselves!
I’ve heard of “lurking” on a forum (and I do it myself on a few) but come on!
Not everyone has a Flashboy, uses emulation or has time to test these games good enough to really evaluate them. I myself tested them after the vote closed unfortunately. Though, while the people who coded them did a great job, I didn’t really get a feeling with the games so I don’t think I would have voted in the end. If I would have voted, I don’t think it really would have contributed to the real value of the skills of the coders. So my vote might have given credit where it shouldn’t be and the other way around, making the results ill advised.
Also, a lot of those registered users are inactive I am afraid.
Yes, definitely try and get a Flashboy. They are hard to get at the moment, but if you can get one reasonable priced I would recommend one in a heartbeat! I had my Flashboy in before I had my Virtual Boy and never regretted it!
A more off topic note, I hope you will be spared on the glitchy display problem. If you do get it and you are handy with a soldering tool, you can always fix it.
Would have expected them all to sell without problems! Ahhh well, at least everyone who really wanted one has it. Good luck with the auction of this nice piece of hardware!
Completed both versions at 100%. The second one is hardcore if you ask me, especially the end boss with the extra difficulty. It is a very nice game, though the second run is a bit boring if you just finished the first run.
I like this game very much indeed, hope it comes out on the 3DS as well here! In color would be the best in my opinion, since I already have the real VB experience here and would like to see it in color as well 😉
VirtualJockey wrote:
So did you buy a tap on ebay or not?
I have an extra JP tap if you’re interested.
and don’t worry, the above comments were about buying a universal adapter for a JP tap. You definitely need 100/110v if you don’t plan to buy a non-Nintendo adapter.
Akumie, this is total nonsense! If the adapter you use outputs 9v or 10v then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. It is not about the input of the adapter, only about the output. I have two adapter taps, JAP and USA and they both work fine with my 220v SNES adapters as well as a 220v universal adapter that outputs 9v.
It is all about electronics and 9v/10v output= 9v/10v output independent of the input of the adapter. Even if it would have an input of 10.000v then you wouldn’t have to worry about anything.
Well, send the PM to you, thanks!
And you guys did give me reason to check out other browsers, so I am testing out Chrome now. Seems like a nice browser for now!