🙂 thx for the nice words everyone. I didn’t made allot progress though. I was very busy the last days… primarily with playing Zelda and watching movies.
However, I started collecting some images so I can build some first graphics. I will then use those to build a first demo.
The basic idea is a sword fighting game, that works pretty much like Teleroboxer. I think it would look cool, having a sword flying in your face, forcing you to block and dodge, waiting for your chance to hit back. Every defeated enemy will drop an item that will help you in your next fight.
I was also thinking about having a Zelda/Pokemon like overworld that connects the single fights. However, I think I will skip that for now and just go with a menu.
My brother just sent me this image as he knows I like the VirtualBoy. I guess if you have to play VB games on an emulator, this would be good way to emulate the VB feeling as well.
Played the end of Resistance 2 yesterday. I really like that game. Have to buy Resistance 3 as well.
Also played trough Rayman 3D. It was an ok game in the end but the 3D sometimes didn’t work right.
Started with The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Only played the introduction level yesterday, but it seems like an good game. Will take some time until I am finished with that one though.
That’s true. If you come to the green stars in galaxy 2 there will be a little bit of exploring again. It can’t be compared to level of freedom 64 and sunshine, though.
Benjamin Stevens schrieb:
I’m finally playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 on the Wii for the first time. I’ve owned it since its release but never got around to playing it, until now.
Did a 100% on that one. Those games are way to much fun.
I am done with inFAMOUS. I actually was fun (finished it on evil), however it is a little repetitive in the end. Started with Resistance 2 (already bought that one some years ago). So far it is fun as well. Guess I have to play the rest of the series too.
I also started with Rayman 3D on my 3DS. Never played the original and had a hard time liking it so far. However, I start getting into it.
first of all, thx for all of the translations. I needed some distraction so I took your Space Squash translation and made an English version of the manual.
I basically redrew the complete manual using inkscape. Only the graphics from the cover and the back and the game screenshots are from are from the scans.
For example, you’d have a link cable that you’d connect to a serial (cheaper and easier to use IMO) or USB port on your computer, and you’d run a program that would show you VB Internet games in progress and serve as a proxy; we’d design a protocol for VB-computer communications. And if play your VB on the same desk where your computer is (as I do), you could chat to other players by touch-typing on the computer keyboard and having the keystrokes show up on the VB.
I was thinking about stuff like that as well. My notebook does not have a serial port anymore, but I know that there are adapters for USB, so a serial port would be ok. On top of that, it would make it possible to communicate with an sensor node (like Arduino). I do have some experience in programming micro controllers, so I could use the the port to add all kinds of other sensor and actuators. Would also be a great reason for me to buy a solider iron…
I was always interested in the Link Cable and would of cause totally buy one. I would even add Multiplayer support to my next game (what ever that’s going to be). I could also add Muliplayer support to GameHero… even though it does not make allot of sense.
I was also thinking about using the Link Cable and something like an Arduino for other cool projects, like additional hardware for the VB or Internet support.
Long story short, give my one of these cables and I gonna build something cool with it.