Hey, I just watched the Fishbone review. It’s pretty cool. Thanks allot.
It is a very old project so I can’t tell what’s going wrong. You might have to wait a couple of weeks as I’m in the hospital right now.
Morintari wrote:
first of all I’m not a programmer. Second of all this is a great powerful tool many congrats and kudos. Third, the export just isn’t working for me. I click it and it turns blue but nothing happens? Any body else with this problem? Can any body help me, Thunder, anybody?
It creates an output directory next to your source files.
thunderstruck wrote:
I will try again to trigger it.
I couldn’t find any way to trigger that screen. I could try checking the code but that’s somehow not worth the effort.
However, pressing L+R+A+B+Start+Select will reset your game.
Also, you can adjust brightness by pressing select+up or select+down on the start screen. There is even a text showing the current setting with hex numbers. I wonder if that was left in by accident. The manual does not state it as a feature.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Hey, thunder!First off, I want to say: way to stick with it! I know this probably wasn’t the most exciting project for you.
It was kind of interesting on a technical level. But yeah…
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Secondly, the dialog that you said is never shown in the game reads:すべてのデータを初期化しますよろしいですか?
はい —– いいえ
Are you sure you want to reset all of the data?
YES —– NOIf there is no in game selection to reset all of the data, then perhaps it is possible that some button sequence entered during the game might bring up this option.
I will try again to trigger it.
RunnerPack wrote:
Besides, I know you’re too good a developer – and just generally far too intelligent – to have your day ruined by being told your program isn’t perfect…
Ohh, you got that wrong. I know very well that the program isn’t perfect. I actually said that several times already. I just thought that you expressed your opinion in a rather rude manner which I found upsetting. However, I will just take it as an expression of your personality.
RunnerPack wrote:
Still friends?
RunnerPack wrote:
thunderstruck wrote:
Ahh, yeah, I do that in photoshop all of the time. I think that’s the better way then trying to convince the converter to do it.
Yeah, much better… apart from the whole “not seeing the effect on the resulting image without reloading” thing 😛
It’s your project, so you don’t need to add a feature if you don’t want to, but don’t try to justify it by saying that using an external program is “better”.
I don’t see where I justify anything. I just said that I think doing these things in photoshop works better.
I might interpret your post wrong but you sound rude and snotty. I have no problem with feedback but comments like this are a great way to ruin my day.
RunnerPack wrote:
thunderstruck wrote:
I don’t fully get Point 4.Maybe the attached screen-shot of the PaintShop Pro Levels tool helps explain it.
Ahh, yeah, I do that in photoshop all of the time. I think that’s the better way then trying to convince the converter to do it.
KR155E wrote:
Thanks guys, it’s working for me now! The result for the tower looks a bit weird, but maybe it’s not the right kind of image to throw at the converter. I should try a different one.
Yeah, the problem is that your image and depth map don’t match. The image must already been drawn with the right perspective. Like in the images I attached.
I decided finally complete this translation. It actually only took one day to get everything done. Here is what I added:
– add translation for the ending (when you win the game)
– fix all time record screen
– replaced title image (I took the logo from VirtuousRage without asking)
– replace image in the stage selection
– change the version to indicate it is an english release
So, there you go. As far as I can tell the translation is complete (except for a strange dialog that I found in the game, but that is never shown). Have fun fishing… I guess.
RunnerPack wrote:
This is a great tool! While you’re in there digging around in the file handling code, I have a couple other suggestions:1. It’s kinda hard to iterate, because the program locks the input files until you exit, even if you load new files (so they can’t be overwritten by the paint program). Bonus: save the selected settings for next time.
2. A “lite” version that doesn’t include gccvb and mednafen (and the two test buttons) might be a good idea.
3. Pixel art is generally small, and monitors are big and have lots of pixels; maybe a preview zoom function is in order? Nothing fancy… just a 2x and maybe a 3x would be enough.
4. (Low priority) Controls for remapping the depth map’s levels would be nice. I’m thinking low and high input levels, low and high output levels, and a gamma function (throw in compression and expansion if you want more to do ;-)). Calculating the above in floating-point and converting back to 8-bit gray at the end would be preferable.
I don’t fully get Point 4. The others are on my todo list. However, I won’t change anything if this tool is not put to use. I really don’t want to add features just to have a cool tool that no one needs. So, I would ask everyone to post here if they found it useful.
Also, there are some obvious things that can be improved. However, I would rather have a todo list of things that are useful in actual projects than a list of features that are nice to have.
I might also make this open source at some point.
it has to be a 24bit rgb bitmap. Yours are 32bit. I might add a automatic conversion or at least some error output.
KR155E wrote:
thunderstruck wrote:
On a different note, there are 3 Easter eggs hidden in my demo. One is in the Jordan computer (because I forgot to remove it), one is a reference to the Japanese version and one is breaking the 4th wall. Did anyone happen to find one?Couldn’t find any of them… Any hints? 🙂
A planetvb member can be found in the computer, one of the shooting sections leads to the 4th wall breaking and the reference to the Japanese version is hidden so well, it will never be found.
Lester Knight wrote:
i’ve never sat and played snatcher all the way through on the sega cd. is there much backtracking? as far as the FB goes, is the save overwritten with each new flash? i like the idea of giving to charity, that is a great idea.
The FB keeps the sram unless another game overwrites it. Snatcher usually allows you to backtrack allot but certain areas are not necessary to progress. I might have to cut some of those.
On a different note, there are 3 Easter eggs hidden in my demo. One is in the Jordan computer (because I forgot to remove it), one is a reference to the Japanese version and one is breaking the 4th wall. Did anyone happen to find one?
bigmak wrote:
Do you think you’ll design the game to fit on the flashboy in parts?
That’s the plan. I don’t see the point in having a physical only release.
bigmak wrote:
Even if you split the game into 16 meg parts, people would have to have multiple flashboys or constantly be flashing different parts of the game.
Not constantly, but once in a while, yeah.
bigmak wrote:
I don’t know what the correct answer would be, but you’re the one working on the project and your opinion is the one that really matters. What do you think ? What would you like to see ?
If there is ever an physical release I would like to see a cheaper card only option. I would also like to see money being donated to charity.
RetroDan wrote:
Bwahaha! I wasn’t simply going to do it without talking with you or compensating you, thunder. That’s not how I roll. I meant (though I see how it came across that way) that I’d love to help getting a physical release done. It wasn’t a “Dur hurr, I gunna make repro an’ takes all da munnie!” thing, have no fear.
Ahh, got that wrong, sorry.
I understand there is such a thing as a “labour of love”, but nobody here expects (or wants) you to invest time and effort into something of that scale without compensating you in some way, your efforts deserve rewarding.
I actually don’t want any compensation. However, with real cards being produced there always someone making money of it, even if it’s just the guy that resells his copy on ebay. So, not sure how I feel about that.
bigmak wrote:
Let’s not put ‘the cart before the horse’. It’s a great game so far, but a lot of work still needs to be put into it like thunder said.-Eric
I think it’s fair enough to discuss these things now, even if the game isn’t going the be finished any time soon.
Quaze wrote:
Just while we’re here, if in the event this ever becomes a physical release, absolutely add me to the list, I don’t care if it’s in 2 years, this post is my commitment to being “in” :p
Nitrosoxide wrote:
Put me down for a copy too. I would definitely pay for a physical release of this.
I still plan to finish Snatcher. It’s kind of hard for me to get started again because I know as soon as I do it will consume allot of my time.
I’m also not sure how I feel about a physical release. While I like the idea I do have a problem with infringing copyrights.
RetroDan wrote:
If the ROM is ever finished, I might consider doing a physical release, though – seems a lot of people are super interested in this.
It wouldn’t be cool if you would just do that.
StereoBoy wrote:
– solved: there were some scratches on the left eye piece
Two of them very noticeable, but I was able to fix this by polishing with tooth paste (elmex) – thanks to this post! :thumpup: 🙂
Hah, glad I could help.
KR155E wrote:
Oh, so this is not a game for the Virtual Boy, but a PC game that’s made to look like a Virtual Boy game? Indeed, that was not clear at all, you made it sound like this game was a Virtual Boy homebrew.
I was always wondering if this was a virtualboy game because the size of the screenshots didn’t fit and there didn’t seem to be a transparent color.
VectrexRoli wrote:
Great collection! You got even the Virtual Fall cart, always wanted to get one of those!
Bigmak sold him a set of repo carts a while ago: http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=35075#forumpost35075