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@trippstaticRegistered March 1, 2012Active 9 years, 7 months ago
97 Replies made

Still no news? 🙁

Bound High box…love it!

+1 for the stella unboxing ^^

Hoooo my eyes are burning!

Gosh this car is wonderful!!!

Can you let us know the price in USD?
I feel really curious about it.

About this one i surely prefer Japanese artwork.

And i generally prefer japanese boxes…

This guy got the VB power XD

I love it!!!

U lucky man!

IKARUGA!!! *\(^o^)/*

Yes you can.
Just need to open your controller but be careful not to make mistake between + and – your VB could die!

I think you d better buy an AC adaptator cause it’s quite cheap and useful

Yes, just need to send a mail to KR155E tabernacle (^_^)

Sarah Connors?

Hi, just got the Tshirts.

Well done print. :thumpup:
Look great 🙂

Virtual Boy Power^^ 😎

Hahaha good to see you again Protoman85

ROCK MAN the best 🙂

Thanks for warning

WOW, thanks! (you totally answer my questions from auction thread topic 😉

It’s quite interesting 🙂

Ok, i just noticed myself that the AC adapter had a different look than a regular one )i mean the AC’s box)

Time for the stupid question….

What is a Mosaic tap?

Thanks for answering me 😉

Hi pal, did you got my mail and payment?

Keep in touch^^ :thumpup:

VirtualJockey wrote:
My mother is getting swarmed with medical bills, I unfortunately may be listing some items shortly.

Nothing comes before VB for me, except the health of my loved ones (that includes you guys).

My mom came out of surgery this afternoon and gave me a call. The problems weren’t resolved at all, but I trust you can still understand what a relief that was for me.

One day at a time, eh?

Hope she ll get better soon.

I just bought some Tshirt i will leave comment once i got them 😀 :thumpup: