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@uhateitRegistered November 11, 2017Active 1 year, 5 months ago
85 Replies made

I have watched them all and will continue to do so! The world needs more VB exposure!

I would say doubtful. Likely they would not try to make a mini version of a failed console. The way Nintendo liquidated everything so quickly makes me figure they want this stricken from any history of Nintendo and wash their hands of any mention of this console all together.

heck yeah that would be awesome to have all the games on the cart and a selection menu!

This would be awesome if it could keep the save file even after a reflash. But alas it does not. I was also hoping it could create a save high score option on a game that didn’t come with one (Mario Clash). For anyone doing a Google search at some point and wanted the answer, it does NOT save the save files after a reflash.

This looks awesome! I wish this was on the VB. Or that someone could finish the Mario Kart demo that exists for the VB in the homebrew section

Wow that is an amazing find for that website! Lots of clear protectors for multiple systems!

Welcome to the community!

That’s the one. I watched it and figured it out. I got the battery out using a small screwdriver. But the store I went too didn’t have any and the watch store is closed Sunday. So I ordered a 5 pack off eBay for $3.85 so I’ll put the battery in next weekend. I wish I had done this from the start as it would suck when this happens on my other games!

As I mentioned on FB it blows that they went cheap and Mario Clash doesn’t have a battery, that game needs a save function too!

I bought a cheap solder iron at Harbor Freight for like $10 and sold solder metal stuff. I’ve never soldered before tho. It would require heating the old metal to remove the old tabbed battery and then resolder the new tab on the same place?

This happened to me yesterday. I was pissed I played a solid 2.5 hours of Wario Land and got super far but had dinner plans so I had to turn the system off. But I had turned it off a few times that afternoon and it saved fine but when I came back this morning to finish the last few levels it was cleared out. Really sucks!

I took it apart and there is a battery in there. If it removable or for sure soldered in there? I have no experience soldering and am hoping I can just slide in a battery.

Why would you want to? When I got my game used this guy “Josh” had all the high scores, I just played it like hell to beat them all 🙂

speedyink wrote:
Hey, that TV looks pretty darn familiar! I have almost the exact same one. My SNES, N64, PS2, and Laserdisc TV 🙂

This tv is legit! Tons of hookups and has a sub built in the sound is awesome! This guy posted it on Craiglist and lived 26 mileas away for $20 and he was willing to deliver! Even brought it in the house and set it up for me. An absolute deal! I kind of dislike the widescreen tho vs the normal square as most video games weren’t widecreen anyways. Also I found that since this is flat vs curved my light guns on the Dreamcast and Saturn both don’t work now 🙁

My current game setup upstairs (where it’s warmer in the winter). In the man cave I have some other stuff setup and more games but I don’t go down recently since its too cold haha. Upstairs I have a VB, Jaguar, 3DO, Dreamcast, 2 Japanese Saturns, and a Nuon player

I have never gotten a headache on a VB, just dial it in and it’s all good! I will come out a little tired feeling tho, when your face first comes out from the viewfinder.

I boguth a cheap Amazon VR headset to try with my cell phone but that gave me motion sickness and headaches since the lenses will not go far enough apart to get the image to overlap so it is double vision. Pisses me off as I’d love to see how cool the VR really is in color and seems lame the unit will not adjust enough to overlap

speedyink wrote:
I’m pretty sure the answer to your question is no. Once you reflash a new game the save is gone.


I was kind of hoping that the flashboy which implements a save function would actually give it one haha. Ah well.

Question if any of you know, but with a flashboy+ if you save a game or get a high score and then reflesh a different game, but then flash the first game back again does it save the scores or is it erased when a new game is flashed? Sorry that’s off topic but I asked that in the Flashboy section and never heard back.

Whatever the Raspberry Pi uses if I am lazy. Otherwise I just use the real VB system. I’ve been playing a ton of it lately.

RunnerPack wrote:

UHATEIT wrote:
I know nothing about the Playstation VR, but is it like the VB but in color?

Sometimes it’s like a color VB (i.e. a screen floating in black space), but usually only during loading screens, menus, etc. Games generally fill your entire field of view, and your head is tracked so that when you move, your view changes as if you were really there.

It also has positional – rather than simply stereo – sound, so you can hear where things are, even if you can’t see them.

Your controller(s) is/are (usually) also tracked in 3D space, just like your head. This allows you to interact with things in the VR as if they were really there in relation to you and your hands.

That does sound pretty awesome! In the interim I bought a VR headset off amazon to put my phone into, but no matter how I adjust it I get double vision because it will not adjust wide enough to match with my eyes. Seems somewhat faulty if headsets cannot be adjusted to even a normal person’s face!

BigScheaf wrote:
Acedout1, is your FlashBoy+ still available?

Otherwise I’ll contact Richard for a new one.

he sold it to me, it arrived last night. Just posting incase he doesn’t get to respond!

Is it possible to order the Flashboy Plus cart decal only? I live in the USA. I ordered one with the Flashboy dremmeled into the cart but I like the OEM gray cart look better and was wanting to replace it with a regular cart case and then put the decal on it. (I assume you can take the 3d printed cart apart and change the shell?)