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@vbloverRegistered August 11, 2010Active 13 years, 8 months ago
32 Replies made

Yea I have a SNES and a VB ac ac cord and tap and I tryed to use my SNES power cord to my VB tap and it did’nt do anything…

How much then?

So about a 100$ for everything

Awesome V-boot goodnessss!

Same here me and my friend was talking about video game systems then he said the virtual boy is the worst system ever. Then he came to my house and played it THEN he liked it.

SP is the best, the one with the brighter screen was called Game Boy Advance SP plus or +

Happy 69th birth day….RIP…im glad I got to play my vb today and my game boy. 🙁

Sorry… 😛

NOOOOOOO thats not what I mean but i belive that two poeple trying to do the same thing never works out…Like Nikola Tesla and Guglielmo Marconi trying to make the radio only one person got to pattend the radio….What I mean to say is that having two people on the same website and same idea isnt good…and I think that you should make this and I believe that one person shouldnt like the Flash Boy more that your product then vice versa so…. I am sorry if I have afended you in any way 😐 …so… I do have one Q what is your project or product name?

Please Please Please make more Flash Boys!!! Mr.Minestorm I know lots of people who want you to make Flash Boys. I hope to see Flash-Boy Plus soon. Don’t stop becuase a little bump in the road. Vaughnanabe13’s cart is the bump… I believe that Flash Boy making is your god given talent!

Hmmmmmm could you use BASIC or VISUAL-BASIC if so you might need version 2010 but it cost $$$.

Well all i can think of is… Teleroboxer.