It is possible that this is a one off but I had a SNES cart do the same thing, it would save for a day or two but by the end of the week all data gone. So I replaced the battery, now I’m good for another 20 years.
Jump in both feet first! Virtual boy is a great little oddity. Iv had mine now for 10 years and it still comes out of the box regularly. I have noticed that prices are rising, 50% more than what I paid all them years ago, so I would say do it now before prices go even higher.
To top it off, plant virtual boy is a great community with some very talented individuals.
I just wanted to update you all, I’m all out of boxes now, I’m sure there is a digital copy out there you can use to print your own.
Thanks to everyone that purchased one from me.
Sounds like you got it under control. The connectors have always reminded me of harddrive IDE connectors but I’m guessing you have already looked into this.
Kevin, fantastic work on getting these link cables out in the open. Have you considered selling these as a DIY kit? It may help you save time instead of building them yourself.