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@vboyRegistered April 28, 2011Active 13 years, 8 months ago
10 Replies made

My Bound High cart arrived and yesterday I got the chance to just sit down and play it. Fantastic!

It felt really special to be playing this game via cart, really fun game too, quite absorbing!!

Many thanks for making this and sending me one over, really appreciated and I’m honoured to be one of the chosen few who can play this game 🙂

I’d be up for that also please.

I currently don’t have two spare carts but should have next week when a couple land from eBay.

I only remember that one of them was baseball, not even sure what the other was now!!

I’m pretty sure that after watching that superb review video, Bound High will destroy them both!

Thoroughly enjoyed watching that review, awesome stuff 🙂

Now I just need to get the game!

I imagine they’d sell pretty easily on here and eBay!

Do you reckon this would do the job for powering mine via the adaptor tap?


  • This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by VBoy.

Wow that seems like a bargain with the hard case!

Those cases alone seem to fetch a high price. I’d love to get one but as mine is boxed, I don’t fancy paying £80 for a case.

That is awesome, superb creativity. I hope the final layout feels good for comfort etc, it looks like it should do and I just love the side buttons for pinball, brilliant touch.

I’ll keep an eye on that to see how it turns out, that’s going to be quite a piece!

It’s worth hanging in there and finding yourself one.

I had all the same thoughts as you, pondered over the prices of these things, wondered if it would all be worth it and then just went for it.

I figured that if I hated the thing, I’d be able to sell it back for hopefully what I paid for it and I’d at least be able to say I’d owned one.

I’m actually quite taken with it, it’s cool!

I was amazed that this username wasn’t taken, I just blasted it in and hoped for the best and there it was!

I guess a lot of n00bs will assume such names are taken and not even try.

Hilarious that I got the stand the wrong way around, only me eh!

I’m pretty much done for this month due to spending on this, a Gameboy, a Sega Game Gear and another bunch of things associated with all three. Next pay day though, I’m going to buy the box kit and then the Flashboy Plus, it would be ridiculous not to.

Everyone who sees this thing in my house can’t help but be attracted to it and I get to do the whole speech over again, it was only around for a year, never out in the UK, etc etc etc.

Thanks for the power pack tip too, I managed to find a boxed japanese adaptor tap so I’ll find a nice new spectrum power pack to go with it too.

Really looking forward to having an FB+ and doing all the things that you can’t otherwise do!!

I was hoping that whatever hole comes out of the japanese power adaptor, would just take an off the shelf kind of power pack with variable power selecter abilities.

It would be fantastic to hear that confirmed though for sure, I don’t want to frazzle this piece of history!! 🙂

I was pretty sure the japanese power pack itself would remain out of the equation altogether. Making your own part sounds awesome, I’d have zero idea how to do that though.

I’d love a flashboy for this. There was one on eBay a few days ago but I missed out on it 🙁

Will probably hold tight for one of those VBoot/VBSD devices unless I spot another flashboy for sale 🙂

I’m new around here and enjoyed reading this thread, would definitely be up for one of these when they are ready 🙂