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@vbrulezRegistered August 2, 2009Active 1 year, 10 months ago
224 Replies made

The games are different I get it, theres no need for sarcasum.

  • This reply was modified 15 years, 4 months ago by VBrulez.

It usually gos for about $100 to $300 for the cartridge and complete it usually gos for $500 to $700 I hope that this helps.

Oh my god that picture looks great, I never would have guessed that it would have looked that way in color, awesome job man.

Yeah I agree with you a system should not be judged by sales charts like the guy in the book did, and good luck with that time machine your gonna need a flux capasitor, and some plutonium to activate 1.21 gigawats of electricity

Yeah the person who wrote that article didnt even give it a fair chance, on the part that talks about that piece of junk atari 5200 he talks about how good and underated it was, I bet the iddiot who wrote this book has never even played virtual boy, or for that matter even heard about it until he was writeing this book and just copyed a negative review someone else wrote.

I agree with you 100%, that book is really annoying all it talks about is ebay and how this is worth this, and yeah I rember the lawnmower man game on snes and it was awful.

Great video, I like how about a minute and a half into it you showed the different camera angles.

I will be sure to do it that way next time.

Hey man im going to check all the game cheat sites I can to find some cheat, or debug menus or something that says you could play it on there, I will be sure to let you know if I find something. Also where did you find the poll that I made for which vb game should have been relesed, ive been looking all over the site and couldent find it anywhere please let me know.

Yeah there both fun I just wish the bosses on space squash wernt so hard.

I agree with you 100% and the people who try and sell mario tennis for $30 are probly the people who where lucky enough to find it at a yard sell for a quarter. I under stand trying to make some extra bucks but a lot of people have things for way to expensive especily during an economic depression.

Im very glad to hear that you got the game, Hopefully Ill get mine by sunday.

I know what you mean sometimes you can get lucky like that about two years ago I went to the flea market and there was this old guy who had a huge box that had a nes snes and a n64 with lots of games all for $20 like the video game freak I am I bought it im dead serious about this two 😎 😀 😕 >:( 🙂 😮 :thumpup: 😛 😉

You lucky duck the wario land game you have is the verison that was played at vb store displays, the game its self is pretty rare if you where to try and sell it on ebay it would bring $50 to $70 😎 depending on the condition. I hope that this answers your question.

Ive had an idea for a VB game for months now, the game would be called Virtual Arcade Classics the game would have many classic arcade games on it such as Star Wars, Tempest, Battlezone, and a origonial game called space attack which is where you control a space ship from a first person perspective where you can choose your own planets and shoot at space ships [this is not a rip off of red alarm or star fox] If any one thanks that this is a good idea please respond.

I will be sure to let you know 😎

Again youre very much welcome 😉 I couldent believe it either at first I expected it to have a reserve or expensive shipping then I nerly crapped my pants when I saw how cheap it was. Also judging by all the feedback the seller has for fast shipping we should have our game in a couple of weeks if not just a matter of days. :thumpup:

I couldent believe it either $15 for a game that usually gos for $70 or more.

Great article I love how it mentions this site and other vb sites

Im so glad I could help you get a game youve been wanting 😎 and I looked at all the other listings of the game that are on ebay right now they all look the same so I dont thank there fake and heck even if they are its still going to be the same great game, again Im happy I can help 😀 you get the game who knows maybe insmouse or space invaders will be listed for dirt cheap some day