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@vbrulezRegistered August 2, 2009Active 1 year, 10 months ago
224 Replies made

I hope everything works out for her.

If this is real, and you have the rom. Why not release it so all VB fans can check it out. You say that it works on the Wii VB emulator, but what about Flashboy and the many VB emulators for PC? Or is this a april fools joke?

It’s great to see you working on the VBoot cart again.

There should be a website that specializes in VB homebrew/reproduction carts. Retrousb.com uses new parts on their NES games. I know NES and VB are completely different consoles, what I’m trying to get at is maybe someone could find a place where they could get VB PCB borads and connectors made.

Fun game, and the music sounds good to.

Someone should ask if the seller has any more protos.

Thats a pretty nice auction. Hopefully a VB collector in Japan can get a good deal on the system.

With all of the picker type shows, there never interested in video game stuff. They probably don’t know anything about the stuff.

Calling the review awful was a little harsh, and I shouldn’t have typed that. But I still don’t care for it, and highly doubt that it made any gbatemp user want to try the system. The review should have mentioned some of the games, you shouldn’t have to be given links to read about them on other sites.

What a awful review. No games were covered, and it was just the stuff everyone already knew.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
I have a feeling that VBrulez is also well aware of akumie not having a mario demo and is continuing the gag with his recent post, but still, I don’t want any newbies to get their hopes up for no good reason at all.

Your right, I was trying to keep the gag going.

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:

VBrulez wrote:

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:

L___E___T wrote:
What if, as part of the marketing campaign they decided – hey, let’s turn this ugly son into a great thing and stick that Griffon Jumper game we finished on there – the press would love that and write stories on to celebrate and not spend so much time talking about how it failed.

Griffon Jumper? 😛

I think he was making refrence to the game based off of the movie Jumper. The game was called Jumper Griffin’s Story, and was made on Wii and a few other consoles when the movie was new.

Oh, I thought he was joking about if employees from Nintendo (who have not thought much about the Virtual Boy lately) came up with a good idea to bring unreleased VB games to the 3DS, they would refer to one of the examples of an unreleased VB game they could put on there as “Griffon Jumper” when they really mean “Dragon Hopper”, but they call it that because they have a cloudy memory of the 16+ year old console that didn’t sell too well

They should bring all of the unreleased VB games to 3DS. They should make a compilation like Intellivision Lives but with VB games on it, for the system.

akumie wrote:
Ok if you tell us you have something rare like faceball, post proof and then say you will release it once people donate the same ammount it cost you to get the game/demo but just keeping it for no reason is just stupid

What about that Mario proto you said you had a few months ago. On a thread, you mentioned that you had a VB Mario proto, and then never posted any pictures, clearified which proto it was, or even commented on that thread again. What happened to the game?

You seem to be all for people shareing their protos, why don’t you share yours.

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:

L___E___T wrote:
What if, as part of the marketing campaign they decided – hey, let’s turn this ugly son into a great thing and stick that Griffon Jumper game we finished on there – the press would love that and write stories on to celebrate and not spend so much time talking about how it failed.

Griffon Jumper? 😛

I think he was making refrence to the game based off of the movie Jumper. The game was called Jumper Griffin’s Story, and was made on Wii and a few other consoles when the movie was new.

VBmills wrote:

VBrulez wrote:

That wouldn’t be a bad idea. But how would we even be able to contact Nintendo?

Good question, I was just sorta throwing the idea out there. I was hoping someone might know someone who knows someone. 🙂

Maybe someone does. It would also be cool if we could figure out a way to contact Intelligent Systems, or a former employee who worked there when the game was being finished. While Nintendo might give info or maybe a picture, it seems like Intelligent Systems would release a rom if either company were to. Because Nintendo has probably gotten no telling how many letters about putting unreleased games on virtual console with no results.

VBmills wrote:
Just a thought, has anyone ever contacted nintendo explaining we are community of VB fans intrested in unreleased games. I know its a really long shot but even if we got a little something out of it, pictures/videos, its better than sweet FA.

That wouldn’t be a bad idea. But how would we even be able to contact Nintendo?

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:

L___E___T wrote:
On another note, look at this!

Oh boy! it must be some… odd rare prototype! 😉

It has red buttons!

It looks like a bootleg knockoff Tamagotchi. The name Virtual Boy on it is just seems considential. In the late 90s when Tamagotchi became a big fad, there were a lot of knockoffs and I don’t think they would have named it off of a failed video game system intentionally.

Srimok wrote:
Nothing too special but I figured I would get this started.

Nothing to special. Thats a really impressive collection. Sealed Vertical Force, nice.

bigmak wrote:
To display and store the loose carts all of us have…I’ve found this case logic book (bet you can’t guess what it was made for!). I have another coming (so i can store 20 loose carts). I was thinking of hanging these up near my collection. That way it’s easy to get to and it’s also a nice display.

Thats a good way to store loose carts. Awesome collection.

Srimok wrote:

VBrulez wrote:

Srimok wrote:
Just out of curiosity are you religious or is there some other reason you are so worried about this? If you are that concerned about legalities I would advise you to never access this site, or Youtube, or the internet again lol. 99% of the internet is illegal.

I feel that any kind of discussion involveing religion on the internet could lead into arguement, so I don’t really feel comfortable answering that.

I just don’t want to break the law, and am wondering weither or not burning 3do games would be.

Trust me I’m not nearly as strickt in real life as I’m coming off in this thread. In real life I’m a very fun person, I watch/play/listen to anything I want regaurdless of rating, and do use langauge. So I’m not no disiplinarian or anything.

I’ve asked this question on a few other sites, about an hour ago got a response that said it’s okay, but still have a few doubts, and am still wondering a little bit.

I didn’t mean to start anything by asking if you were religious. I just can’t understand why you are so stuck on this legal or not legal thing. It seems like you are causing yourself a great deal of stress over it. Just enjoy your classic pirated games and support the developers by buying the modern ones. They do not earn a penny if you purchase some overpriced 20 yr old used copy of one of their games. So to answer your question yes it is illegal. If it makes you feel any better I am sure you have already broken many laws already today.

I’m not really stuck on this legal not legal thing, I just worry sometimes. But when I worry, like you said I stress myself trying to find out if something is or not. I guess you remember commenting on the Earthbound NES thread a few months ago. I did end up getting the game for Christmas, and don’t see anything wrong with owning what some might call a pirated cart. The only people who could really get into trouble would be the people making the games. Like you said 99% of the internet is technically illegal, sites everyware have copyrighted pictures. Then Youtube is like 50% Tv shows, movies, and music.