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@vbrulezRegistered August 2, 2009Active 1 year, 9 months ago
224 Replies made

Srimok wrote:
Just out of curiosity are you religious or is there some other reason you are so worried about this? If you are that concerned about legalities I would advise you to never access this site, or Youtube, or the internet again lol. 99% of the internet is illegal.

I feel that any kind of discussion involveing religion on the internet could lead into arguement, so I don’t really feel comfortable answering that.

I just don’t want to break the law, and am wondering weither or not burning 3do games would be.

Trust me I’m not nearly as strickt in real life as I’m coming off in this thread. In real life I’m a very fun person, I watch/play/listen to anything I want regaurdless of rating, and do use langauge. So I’m not no disiplinarian or anything.

I’ve asked this question on a few other sites, about an hour ago got a response that said it’s okay, but still have a few doubts, and am still wondering a little bit.

Finally scored me a 3DO, and was still a little curious about this. From what I understand with roms, as long as the game is not ESA protected it’s okay to download. Wouldn’t it be the same with the 3do?

MineStorm wrote:

Ahh yes, “Bound High for money”. I was a victim (or beneficiary) of purchasing this rom (Not from Jojobean, was an ebay auction for a flashboy).

Do I understand this right, someone was selling a FlashBoy with the BoundHigh ROM flashed on it ?

Unfortunately yes.

This happened around two years ago, and at the time a lot of people were getting scammed with the glitchy rom of Bound High. After someone got ripped off. A thread about the glitchy rom got started, and just to save people from getting ripped off eventully caused the roms public release. The links to both the thread about the FB with Bound High on ebay, and the other one that led to the glitchy roms release is below.



TheForce81 wrote:
I don’t think the buggy version was not put up for download to make money out of it. Krisse was in possession of the buggy ROM and didn’t want to give people crappy ROMs, when it was fixed he immediately released the good ROM which was huge!

Though, in retrospect, it would have been better to have released the buggy ROM with a BIG disclaimer which would have avoided people like Jojobean to sell the ROM and lie about it. But in no way do I blame Krisse for this of course! I shouldn’t have done the deal myself in the first place, I myself am responsible for that (just to be clear I do not blame anyone else but myself in the first place and Jojobean in the second place).

I don’t blame him either, it’s perfectly understandable why he didn’t want the rom to be released. I was talking more about Space Pinball and how jojobean was trying to sell it to people.

Srimok wrote:

VBrulez wrote:
On the Space Pinball thread. TheForce81 was talking about how when he got the rom, he was told not to tell anyone about it. He said there was good reason the game was not available for download.

This got me thinking, and it seems to me that the only reason the game wasn’t available for download, was so people like Jojobean could just resell the game to people.

When a dump is released it severely devalues the original. Space Pinball is one of the worst cases of this because a lot of the carts that were around were not original prototypes. If someone listed a copy of Space Pinball on Ebay a month ago it would probably go for 10x what it would now.

Yeah thats true. But whats good about the rom being released publicly, is that nobody will ever get ripped off with one of those fake Space Pinball protos again.

L___E___T wrote:
I’m a famicom collector, Sharp Titlers used to be available (new) for around $300 if you knew where to look but now because all the NES collectors want to rip out the video component you’re lucky if you can find one for double that…

I’d vote for a Vectrex because it’s pretty unique (and has homebrew projects/demos) and Minestorm also makes a flashcart for it 🙂

Those Sharp Titlers that you and VirtualJockey mentioned are pretty cool. But just way to expensive.

I will go ahead and try to score a Vectrex if I can get one in my price range.

Thanks for the suggestion.

VirtualJockey wrote:
Flashboy and 3DO are both rad. Only played a Vectrex once back in the day.

Maybe you’d be interested in one of the Sharp Titler famicom / “home-video subtitling” consoles that has S-Video output for the games. I owned one once and the picture quality was so good that I refuse to ever play NES again until I get another one.

Also, I’m a big fan of the goofy 2600 clones. Some of them have pretty cool designs.

If you’re into the obscure, The black & white Gamate handheld console is pretty neat too.

If you’re just looking for your initial 3 mentioned items, if you can get a loose flashboy on the cheap I have an extra box I could toss your way. 🙂

Thanks for the suggestions.

Maybe 2012 can be the year of lost VB roms getting dumped and relesed for everyone to play.

Thanks a million TheForce81 for uploading this.

It’s truely a great time to be a fan of the good old VB.

Awesome to see the download working. Thanks a lot TheForce81 for generously uploading this. It’s really great to be able to play this proto.

VBmills wrote:
I just tried the download and it doesnt work. Its a shame but hopfully it will get sorted. This is great news though so thanks theforce81, this is very much appreciated.

Hedgetrimmer you got anything else hidden away? LOL!

Thats a really great question. What else do you have Hedgetrimmer?

TheForce81 thanks for uploading this. Thats was a very generious thing for you to do.

VirtualJockey what else do you have in your archives? Do you have or think you have any more protos?

Great looking maps. Nice little suprise to find before Christmas.

VirtualChris wrote:
I just got recently back into working on the game and am deciding whether or not to make the ant black. Here is what he’d look like:

The black ant seems to stick out more, and looks a little better.

EFX on VB. Something about that picture reminds me of Myst, does it anyone else? It would be really cool to see that game relesed, so we can all see what its like. Also just to see a new game for the VB library.

Zaku on Lynx, looks like it would be a really fun game. I might order one of those myself after the new year rolls around.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

VBrulez wrote:
Robert Molander is the only active member of the site who has the game, so hopefully he will read this thread and be on borad with it.

Given the fact that Srimok knows that 700 U.S. Dollars and a reputable person with the ability to dump it are all that is needed to get the game dumped, it would seem that he already knows someone who owns the game and who is willing to let it be dumped. Whether that person is Robert Molander, I don’t know. Also, the person who owns the game who is willing to let it be dumped might not have one of the prototype carts of the game. Reproduction carts of this game have also been made in the past, but I don’t know how many.

Srimok should have the person with the game show a picture of the cart, or if it’s just a rom show it being played on an emulator. Just to show everythings legit. I’m not questioning Srimok or this other persons credibility, Srimok appears to be a nice reputable person. I’m just saying pictures of this persons game/ROM would be nice.

Hopefully this will work out and the game will be dumped. If a fundraiser gets started the amount will very quickly be met.

Maybe 2012 could be the year of lost VB protos getting dumped and relesed.

It’s suprising how nobody has commented on this yet. Thanks for doing rips to these great games.

Hell yeah. This would be a great chance to get this game relesed. Robert Molander is the only active member of the site who has the game, so hopefully he will read this thread and be on borad with it.

I agree with Benjamin Stevens. Richard would be the right person for this, he should be able to get the game dumped very easily. Also since hes very trustworty, we won’t have to worry about anything going wrong.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

jojobean wrote:
^this. vb faceball isn’t that great of a game. its just cool to have access to it.

…i never stated that i had access to it. i was speaking generally, as in the fact that it’s not a good game but it’s cool (for aynone) to have access to.

I would definitely agree that jojobean’s original statement only gives the impression that he has the game. The key words being “this” – which would indicate that the game is very close to him, as opposed to “that” or no such descriptor, which would indicate it not being so close to him – “isn’t” – which indicates that he has the ability to form a solid opinion on the game based on experience, as opposed to “probably isn’t” or something similar – and “it’s” – which again strongly shows that he knows from experience that having access to the game is cool, as opposed to “it would just be cool…” or something similar.

Thus, if jojobean didn’t have the game, a proper sentence could have read: “VB Faceball probably isn’t that great of a game, but it would just be cool to have access to it.” It’s also interesting to note the unnamed prototypes that jojobean says he has in his collection, which would again lead some to conclude, especially after the above statement, that the Faceball prototype is part of his collection. I also find it interesting that in his reply, he never firmly states that he doesn’t have access to it, which again causes some suspicion.

All in all, such info could, indeed, cause a lot of e-mails to come jojobean’s way about his possible access to the Faceball prototype, unless he firmly clarifies the situation. 😉

By the way, I actually don’t care too much to play the Faceball prototype either, I’m just sort of playing around with this for a little fun. After all, the Faceball prototype doesn’t even contain a finished game, right?

According to the review in Retrogames, Faceball was complete and had 56 levels. It seems that everyone wants to play the game more for curiousity than actual gameplay, since it was already relesed on many other platforms. With this one, there just isn’t that wonder that there is with other unrelesed VB games. The other versions of Faceball arn’t bad, they just get kinda boring. So I don’t get why jojobean is saying it was a bad game.

Jojobean definately gives the impression that he has the game and many others from his post and collection description, like you said. Maybe he does, who knows. Hopefully if he does, he will come out with it. So maybe a fundraiser or something could take place.

Hedgetrimmer wrote:

jojobean wrote:
^this. vb faceball isn’t that great of a game. its just cool to have access to it.

Does ‘having access to it’ mean you get to take it out on weekends to TGI fridays?

Yeah jojobean takes his VB and Faceball proto to the TGI fridays every weekend. To try and impress and pickup the waitress’s.

Srimok wrote:
Just from what I’ve heard which might be false but the owner has been offered thousands of dollars and wouldn’t even consider it. The other thing is how much of a demand is there really? Faceball is not in the same league as Dragon Hopper so I have a hard time believing a fundraiser would bring a significant enough amount to change his mind.

Maybe it’s false or an exaggeration, who knows. Yes theres not as much of a demand for Faceball as there is Dragon Hopper, and if there was a fundraiser the amount would take longer than it would for something like Dragon Hopper. Becuase like you said the demand isn’t as high, but eventully it would probably be met. A fundraiser might change the owners mind if the person is reading it, kinda doubt it though. But hey it’s worth a try. If they are actully reading this, they should just do the fundraiser. They could set the cost at anything, and woulden’t have to relese it if the amount wasen’t enough.

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