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@vbrulezRegistered August 2, 2009Active 1 year, 10 months ago
224 Replies made

Okay I might get one if a new batch is made it just depends if ive got the extra money.

I read that the new batch will be 90 euros and I read that shipping would be 8 euros, but how much would this be in U.S dollars?

I just watched the new version of the competetion promo and it was pretty good 😎 .

Good job Pong Invaders is a really fun game. Pong, and Space Invader are two of my fav games.

mathew wrote:
fantastic collection mate! i still have like 5 US games to buy, 3d tetris, vertical force, golf, waterworld and jack bros 🙂 – i recently got nesters funky bowling as well!

As for space squash, i got that game as well thanks to you – remember the guy selling the space squash had 2 available and you bought one and posted on here that there was one for sale?? i snagged it up and was forever thankful that you told me about it! i absolutely love the game and never really had the money to spend on it at the time! I wont forget this generous favour you did! You coulda bought them both and sold one for more 😀

Thanks im glad you like my collection 🙂 Yeah I remember with Space Squash I helped you get it im really glad that it went to you since you really wanted the game, I diddn’t want to buy an extra copy of the game to sell beacause I knew that someone like us who really wanted the game would read the post about it and get a big kick out of getting the game for a great price.

DogP wrote:
Cool… congrats, though that’s an odd set, being a “collection of US released games”, though not all US versions. Do you plan on getting all US versions eventually?

The US version of Jack Bros is better IMO (since there’s quite a bit of text, though none really important)… and last I knew, Vertical Force US wasn’t too expensive. How about JP only games? I see you’ve got Space Squash (good choice)… any plans for others, like Virtual Fishing, Insmouse, or others?


Yeah I know Vertical Force isn’t to expensive but when I bought it the only U.S versions of the game that I was able to find were about twenty dollars more than the import version and they were just the cartridges without the dust caps, So I figured that I would get the import version since it was complete, cheaper, and plays the same as the american version. Space Squash I always wanted the game but never really planed on getting it, until I was on ebay late one night and I found a boxed copy of the game for $15.00 so I happily bought it, as for the rest of the Japan only games im not really to interested in them.

Krisse thank you very much for uploading these roms I just downloaded them and I played a few levels and it was really fun 🙂 I did see some clitches but in all it was still pretty cool 8-). I look foward to a perfected rom but until then we can play this.

Thats AWESOME I can’t wait for that to come out 😀 I know that the letter was talking about it being relesed early next year but I hope it will be out buy this holiday season beacause that would really boost the sales and would most likely save the system from suffering the same fate the original VB did. Either way im excited 😎 now im looking foward to my birthday (June 15th) even more since there should be some pictures of the prototype surfaceing.

I guess everyone found out who it was. Now this is going to make everyone on the site furious while jojobean was supposedly only giving me these so called special offers he told me that he was trying to get the Faceball prototype and thats was why he was trying to sell Bound High to me so he can buy it, then on another email he was trying to sell it to me if he was to get it. He also said he had the glitchy version of Bound High on flashboy, the source code, and the Space Pinball prototype so that has me to believe that hes the one selling all of the glitchy versions of Bound High. If anyone dosen’t believe me I can copy and paste the emails or take pictures of all of the webpages.

Good post, I hope that the perfect ROM of Bound High is someday relesed, heck I don’t even care if its the glitched one I just want to play it. Krisse I also have a very very strong 99.9% sure idea of who the person that supposedly sold CrackShoot the glitchy rom. Hint the person who was so quick to defend himself after reading your comment.Ill leave it to the rest of you detectives to figure out who the verdict is.

  • This reply was modified 14 years, 11 months ago by VBrulez.
  • This reply was modified 14 years, 11 months ago by VBrulez.

I really like the new name of the site :-). Im still going to get onto the site through the vr32.de address but thats just beacause I to feel very attached to the name. Im really glad to see how this site has been around for almost ten years now, and its still going strong. Keep up the great work Krisse :-D.

My VBs number is VN105978839 comic shop.

Well there pretty cool, theres so many different ones with different styles of gameplay such as Pocket Monsters Go Go which is a hack of a Smurfs game, Pokemon Adventure which is a hack of a Sonic game, and theirs a whole lot of hacked versions of regular pokemon games such as Pokemon Quartz, or Pokemon Jade. On all of these games there are some really cool and weird pokemon that the people that hacked the game created.

Cool im glad to help you get a game that you wanted.

Glad to hear that you got it :-).

I knew that Kemco had noting to do with the game, and the man with the gun I agree does not really look like James Bond I just figured that it was him. I guess I kind of over looked this one,im sorry to bother anyone.

Its alright, and would you like to see the scans from those other video game books?

Theres no need for sarcasium. What I wrote isnt that hard to understand.

Im glad you liked them, I diddn’t know what the first karoke game was until reading that two I just figured it was singstar or something like that.

I really like the sound of that, I know this sounds a little crazy and impossible but what if someone could make an online version of the game then we could all play against each other.