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@vbsamRegistered July 28, 2003Active 11 years ago
98 Replies made

Here’s mine;

Virtual Boy – (jap) boxed/mint
Virtual Boy – (usa) broken

AC Tap – (jap) boxed/mint
Performance AC adapter/tap – (usa) no box/instructions

Wario Land – (usa) opened w/cover
Red Alarm – (usa) opened w/cover
Vertical Force – (usa) opened
3D Tetris – (usa) opened w/cover
Mario Clash – (usa) opened w/cover
Mario’s Tennis – (usa) opened
Galactic Pinball – (usa) opened w/cover
Teleroboxer – (usa) opened w/cover
Vertical Force – (jap) boxed/mint
V-Tetris – (jap) boxed/mint
Panic Bomber – (jap) boxed/mint
Golf – (jap) boxed/mint

Post Edited (01-03-04 22:18)

Check this out, pretty out of the ordinary.


Post Edited (12-04-03 01:50)

eBay is the best place to find mint VB items, you could also try other auction pages like Yahoo auctions, and Amazon auctions.

I think you mean Virtual Lab. 🙂

Ok, good price.

Awesome! How much are you willing to sell it for?


Thank you for your questions/comments. “The LINEAR STACK 3-D EFFECT” doesn’t use ‘LED’ screens, it uses ‘LCD’ screens, like Game Boy Advance (which I don’t think put out as much power as an ‘LED’ screen).

I would want the screens to be the size of a Game Boy Advance screen, but not smaller than an original Game Boy’s screen.

This system of 3-D will be used for a handheld system, not a system like the VB.

I got,

1. Wario Land
2. 3-D Tetris
3. Galactic Pinball
4. Mario Clash
5. Red Alarm
6. Teleroboxer

He told me he had 10 games, 🙁 oh well, at least they were free!

Each game is in good condition, with the GamePak cover, but none of the games have manuals, or boxes.

Post Edited (08-17-03 06:34)

I haven’t gotten them yet but when I do, the list will be up on my website.


Post Edited (08-15-03 00:10)

Mine would have to be Super Metroid, but I also love the original Zelda, Its a close call.

everything seems to be fine with it so far.

Classic rock is always my main focus in music, i really like the band Boston.

As for new music, I like Nickelback and System of a Down.

I just got a VB with Vertical Force (U) and Mario’s Tennis (U).

It could just be out of alignment or need to be focused better.

VB2 would be awesome!!
I think it should be the size of sunglasses, that would be awesome.
You need to think about what Gunpei wanted the original to be like, and then deliver what he originally wanted.

Thanks KR155E, I’m talking to you from my brothers computer because my computer broke recently. Metrod 3-D isn’t going to be worked on untill my computer problems are solved.
I finally got my first VB for $10.99!!

awesome forum!