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@vectrexroliRegistered November 10, 2007Active 3 years, 9 months ago
135 Replies made

L___E___T schrieb:
As a heads up, Kotaku covered the game today – prepare for an influx of questions on YouTube channels and on here to some extent…


At least I know now where all those weird Virtual Boy hating kids were coming from that I had to block from my channel. We Austrians are like that, we lock people we don´t like in our basements and we ban people from our Youtube channels before they can type the word “accent”. 😉

BTW: It was also covered here:

Another thing needed for recording footage from the Virtual Boy and Vectrex is control of the exposure time and many cameras don´t provide that feature in video mode. But it would be really interesting to see how that camera could handle that.

Maybe you don´t know, but today you can get even a copyright strike by just showing a still picture (!) of a Zelda character. I got once some issues with one of my older videos where I showed the AtariVox+ speech synthesizer and they didn´t believe me that I “own all the rights” for the video part where that thing was talking.
So I usually try to avoid any original sound or music from any game regardless if it would be a clone of Tetris, Pacman or Street Fighter.

bigmak schrieb:
It seems pretty high in price to me…but that’s just me 🙂

It is, for around the same money or a bit more you can already find the bigger unit with the nice Virtual Boy logo on top.
And I don´t know if for the smaller units like this one here there were also keys to lock the cartridge and the seller is not saying anything about the key.

clonecman schrieb:
Virtual Boy Platform Display on eBay.

Is this still not sold? I have seen this months ago.

“…Dusty, but works!…”

And the seller also is not really interested in selling it, as he still did not invest 5 minutes to clean it… 😉

3Dhardcore schrieb:
I watched this video some time ago, however I just signed up and am getting the chance to tell you I really enjoyed it! I haven’t watched many of your German video’s yet, as it’s been a while since I took German 2, however I find all of them to be very entertaining and funny as well. Since you are into 3D in general you might look into getting a Fujifilm Finepix Real 3D W3. While I haven’t tested it with mine, you may be able to record the Virtual Boy in 3D with it. I don’t think it is as nice as the camera you are using, however it does have a 75mm Baseline Length.


Hi, thanks a lot for the information and also for signing up! 🙂
Maybe I will keep an eye on that camera if I could get my hands on it for a cheaper used model at some point. Currently I am using a Virtual Boy with a video out mod and the quality is quite OK, but the footage is only in 2D. The question is then what would be better, good quality in 2D or worse quality in 3D?

Now I had some time to make a short video:Hyper Fighting Video

Lester Knight schrieb:
i had no idea pokemon-mini.net was your site, chris. i still want a mini and a flash kit, and it is because of that site.

pvb is a fun community and i really enjoy my vb. i’m happy to hear that it’s sticking around and getting an upgrade. there really is no better place to discuss the virtual boy.

The flash kit you mentiond works great:

Pokemon-Mini.net is similar to PlanetVB in a sense that it is the best source of information for that specific system you can find.

Benjamin Stevens schrieb:

VectrexRoli2 wrote:
Is there some metal plate and velcro behind the “white box version” eye visor?

No, there’s none of that, and you’re right, it does sound like the work of whoever set up the kiosk and not Nintendo.

Should you ever open up that Virtual Boy would be interesting to know if there are also the grounding cables missing on the display units, like on the Mosaic versions.

That´s some great find, thanks for sharing the pictures Benjamin! On my US store kiosk the eye shade was secured with velcro, but I assume that was done by the guys building the kiosk setup and not by Nintendo. Is there some metal plate and velcro behind the “white box version” eye visor?

bigmak schrieb:

VectrexRoli2 wrote:
What I nice find! I don´t know if that version of the store display also had stickers on it like the US counter version? If so they are missing here.
I don´t understand Japanese language, the English translation says “There is no body AC adapter” whatever that should mean.
I also could not find the word “key” there, I guess it can also be locked like the US store displays?

I guess I should better not bid on it, if that thing would arrive and my wife would be at home I will be a dead man I guess… 😉

It would be worth it just to see the video of it 🙂

A video like “Woman kills husband because he ordered another store display” could get viral and would be a great promotion for my 3 different Youtube channels, but on the other hand what would that help when I will be dead then… 😉

Cosmoliner schrieb:
What a funny video!Your friends(and your girlfiend/wife)are great actors.

The Store Kiosk looks great!
You are a lucky guy!

I hope sometimes a postman (with trouser)bring me a kiosk 😉

BTW as I see that you are from Germany, we also have now a 2nd Youtube channel in German language and there we focus more on comedy than on reviews. 😉

So what happend now to the idea of releasing that cartridge? So I guess the idea was dumped because there was not enogh support for it or no feedback from all people involved?
That would be unfortunate as still I would like to buy such a cartridge as it would be a nice showcase what the development community can do and it would be a nice collectors item as well.

speedyink schrieb:
Damn, i want, but i don’t want to know how mich that would cost to ship here

From what I understand you have to use a proxy service like Buyee anyway and there is button to estimate the total costs. I don´t know if you can trust that estimation, I heared a lot of bad things about Buyee but never used them myself.

What I nice find! I don´t know if that version of the store display also had stickers on it like the US counter version? If so they are missing here.
I don´t understand Japanese language, the English translation says “There is no body AC adapter” whatever that should mean.
I also could not find the word “key” there, I guess it can also be locked like the US store displays?

I guess I should better not bid on it, if that thing would arrive and my wife would be at home I will be a dead man I guess… 😉

Thanks, in the meantime I even managed to build repro stickers for the ones that were missing thanks to the great support of the community here. They look great and maybe I will do a short video showing how I made them.

So is it possible now to ask Richard for a specific color for the 3D printed shell, like pink or clear transparent? 🙂

thitherton schrieb:
Hello everyone.

I found a video on You Tube that offers an easy way to fix and to even prevent the dreaded and apparently inevitable “glitch” problem.

Here is the link for the video.

At 3:10 he discusses the glitch problem. What he says that I found most useful is that if you have a glitchy display you can fix it by leaving your VB turned on for an ENTIRE DAY OR EVEN TWO. Keeping it turned on for that long can or even should fix the problem. The VB display he made is also really incredible.

I like this guy and his channel, and he is an expert in making arcade cabinets and also repairing them, but some things he said regarding the glitchy display issue I cannot confirm and I own several Virtual Boys. Maybe when you are lucky it might help for some time in most cases the issue will come back.
BTW, as people are always having the same qustions about the Virtual Boy, I once made a beginners guide just in case that might be helpful for some Virtual Boy owners out there: http://youtu.be/j1-QOfFgr2w

DaVince wrote:
I really enjoyed the super cheesy plot and acting. Hilarious camera work, and nice shots of the unit. 😀

I’m also impressed you got such a nice and complete store unit. Freakin’ cool.

Thanks, it was easy to shoot the video with a professional actor like Walter and a talented neighbour. 😉

I am really happy with the store unit. I am currently working on the repro stickers for the missing parts and I will send them to a company that will print them for me.

Thanks guys. 😉