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@vectrexroliRegistered November 10, 2007Active 3 years, 8 months ago
135 Replies made

… but it will probably go much higher than most would ever imagine, so one basically has to throw more than everything one has at it to stand a chance. It is definitely a “go big or go home” situation.

You really think so? When I compare it with the situation in the Vectrex community it seems the group of people enjoying the Virtual Boy is extremly small. I have the feeling that even most hardcore Nintendo fans that buy everything Nintendo hate the VirtualBoy.

For now I expect to see it going for in the 200.000 to 203.000 Yen area + shipping and handling, but of course I could be totally wrong here. 😉

BTW: Thanks for that auction link, I have not seen it before and it will be quite entertaining to watch that. Too bad the auction is before the end of the month and my bank account is empty as we recently also had to pay for our long planned vacation.

This time my wife would not be able to complain that I bought “new crap from eBay” as it would not be eBay this time…

When you wanted to sell your Virtual Boy games you didn´t expect the Spanish Inquisition?
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


lwizardl schrieb:

VectrexRoli2 wrote:
I can recommend RunnerPack here on the Planet VirtualBoy forums, he now fixed the 4th Virtual Boy for me:

I registered on here becuase of your video, thanks for taking the time to make the video.

Thanks, good to know it was helpful. 😉

“You should also understand why just about nobody who is into video game collecting likes video game profiteers…”

Honestly I collect video games for many years and I even didn´t know that “profiteers” are a big issue. There are resellers yes and if one of them is asking too much money nobody will buy from them anyway. But maybe that´s just me and maybe I am not an expert in what a real collector should be or do.

In case one day I have to sell my VirtualBoy collection because there is an emergency and I need some money for my family and I make a profit then, I would not really care if that makes me then a profiteer or not.

And even only in case I lost interest in collecting Virtual Boy stuff (which will not really happen) why should anybody sell it below the market value then? Just my personal opinion.

BTW: Even you seem to be a dirty profiteer, welcome to the forum Hebbe_84 😉

The issue with stuff like jackets and key chains is that if you don´t have a museum like setup where you can properly display that stuff it will just lie around in some drawer as you cannot really do anything useful with it.
When you buy stuff like the Virtual Boy headphones, even they are useless and maybe not the best headphones, you can at least do something with it.

I can recommend RunnerPack here on the Planet VirtualBoy forums, he now fixed the 4th Virtual Boy for me:

For me it helped that I cleaned the contacts on the ribbon cable carefully with alcohol. Of course I don´t know if it is the same issue you have.

thunderstruck schrieb:
I had the exact same problem. There is no need to clean the contacts. Doing what DogP said in this post fixes the problem:


DogP wrote:
One thing to note: there’s a pretty consistent problem where the cables are dimpled from where they’ve been in contact with the socket on the motherboard side for 17+ years… this ends up causing a glitchy display problem as well. The easy solution is to simply pull the cable out a tiny bit.

When you push the display cable into the LIF socket, you’ll feel a little bit of tension, and then you’ll feel it sorta pop into place. That means you went too far. Just pull it out a tiny bit, where you feel a little bit of tension, and you’ll be good to go.

I tried that but it didn´t work for me, but maybe other people don´t have any dust or dirt on their contacts.

Lester Knight schrieb:

VectrexRoli2 wrote:
I also got now my display units fixed by Runnerpack and I am quite happy with the results:



i’m curious about the part where you clean the contacts. you mentioned that you still had some lines and so you cleaned the contacts. we already had reports that the lines are being caused by dust on the plastic lens over the LEDs, and that wiping that area will get rid of those black lines. this makes me curious, could the lines be caused by both dust on the contacts and dust on the LEDs?

I guess having dust on the LED would look different than the issue I have seen. My problem was black “missing” lines which were clearly contact issues and cleaning the contacts helped immediately. As I tried the oven fix 3 times it might be that the dust came from that. Maybe cleaning the LED cover is also a good idea to reduce some slight brightness differences between the scanlines? I don´t know that and didn´t experiment with that so far.

I also got now my display units fixed by Runnerpack and I am quite happy with the results:



bigmak wrote:
Has she tried space pinball yet ? 🙂

Not yet, we didn´t have time for that, but I will surprise her for sure with those “new levels” as I got even the nice looking repro cartridge.

Thanks guys.
The Vectrex and the Virtual Boy are similiar in a sense that they are very unique systems and they both have their own display unit. The Vectrex had also a 3D add on which is pretty cool.
BTW, the lady sitting on the left side, Renate, she is addicted to Galactic Pinball. I always have to give her the Virtual Boy for that when she comes for a visit. 🙂

Glad you liked it. Thanks for watching. 😉

DogP wrote:
I think Richard has printed some cartridge shells… and maybe even sent out some Flashboys with printed shells?


I recently got a Flashboy+ and a Vecmulti from Richard, both have printed cartridge shells now.

With videogames and also many other things the price is dependent on the condition. I recently “upgraded” my Virtual Fishing as I wanted to have a perfect looking box, I paid 78 USD + 10 USD shipping and this was a new copy in absolutely mint condition. Fortunately also the seller shipped it in a sturdy box, that´s also a critical point when you buy stuff like that.
Virtualboy stuff got pretty expensive over the years.

check out my Games room here

Lets see other members games rooms ??

I also would like to have so much space in my game room as you have there.

Thanks for all your feedback. I am glad you liked it.
I bought most of the stuff a long time ago and compared to today that stuff was “cheap”.

I think that some items might be a good investment if you keep them for a few years as long there is still a hype around old video games, but to be honest I am more interested in having fun with the stuff in my collection.

She likes point & click adventures, she plays some 3DS and GBA games from time to time and she is quite good in light gun games like Point Blank 2 and 3 for the Playstation 1. 😉
But she does not care so much for Vectrex and Virtual Boy stuff.

Great stuff, I watched the demo and I hope that library will help the homebrew community to develop some great new games.

Nice video.
I found it impressive how good you played Red Alarm through the viewfinder of your camera. 🙂