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@virtuousrageRegistered January 9, 2017Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
128 Replies made

Thanks Ben! You’ve been a big help getting these.
I went ahead and just translated it into something nice and simple.
Again here are the 3 files of the translated menus if some brave programmer wants to patch the ROM. 🙂

For the manual, I just went ahead an Photoshoped these translations into the screenshots.
And for the Auto Pause on and off, I simple used the one from all the English titles.

Please let me know if these files don’t work for what ever reason. I’d happily make edits!

Hey Ben, any chance you have a more crisp version of the auto pause? The one you posted is a bit fuzzy. :c
(I have my game just sitting at the Name Registration Screen… doesn’t seem to work here)

The auto pause and the Japanese menu items are the last things that will need screenshots now! I can just fake them in Photoshop no problem, but I hope someone knows how to apply a patch to the rom for them.

Or anyone wanna teach me? :O

OMG BEN!!!!!!

The way you get it apparently is to kill one of the invaders on the first row last. It’s so annoyingly hard that I wanted to die!!


Dunno why I got 800pts though.

Thanks for helping with all this! 😀

So, I thought I’d use RedDragon instead since it has some fancy cheat codes!… but it seems like it’s running at 2x speed or something. Which makes it like impossible to play. XD

Does anyone know why this might be happening? o-o

So to clarify about the auto pause screens, do you simply want screenshots of the original Japanese screens and English translations for such, and then you’ll be making your own new artwork by modifying those screenshots?

Just that in-game screenshot of the 30 min auto pause. From the Japanese manual it appears like it has a bar at the bottom with some text, but I can’t read that tiny image nor get it to come up in game. If someone can get it, I can translate it and make a new image for it. 😀

Thanks for these images though Ben!!
I didn’t even think to go look at videos!
Smart idea.

If that’s really how the auto pause comes up… This is gonna be the challenge of the century. 😕

Hey everyone! Sorry for falling off the face of the Earth!
Just been busy with wild ride called life.

Anyways, I found some time to continue working and have finished the Space Invaders manual!… well… almost.

It turns out I’m REALLY bad at this game. Haha. So, I’m struggling to get some of the screen shots. Would anyone be willing to help me get them?

Here are the ones I’m missing:

The Auto Pause Notice (On / Off)
It’s still in Japanese so I can’t screen shot
(I just used another games screenshot for this, but if it ends up looking different I’ll need that screen shot)
The Auto Pause Screen.
This screen also has some Japanese text on it, but I can’t create a new one because I can’t even get it to show up!! 🙁
Splitting Invaders.
I’ve never made it past round 2… so I haven’t ever seen these guys.
Crazy Rainbow Shot.
I’m bad and can’t make it this far…
Engine Trouble.
I have no idea how to even get this one…
Time Attack Select
I made new art for this! See attached!
Score Attack Select
I made new art for this! See attached!
Congratz Screen
This screen pops up so fast I just can’t grab it!! 😕

That’s all that’s left!

I went ahead and made new sprites for Time Attack and Score Attack. Translating the Japanese text underneath! 😀
Maybe we can get our boy ThunderStruck to slap them in?
*wink wink smooch smooch*

If anyone wants to help, I’d love it!
Please post them at 2x resolution (768×448), Red pixels, taken from Mednafen.

Thanks for your help!

Now complete is the manual for Virtual Bowling! 😀

(Box, Manual, and Label) :thumpup:

Hmm… I’ve always been under the assumption that it’s the pin connector on the cartridge that is needed from a harvested cart.
But, I also don’t have much of a real clue. 😛

Personally, I think 3-D printed carts don’t look as appealing as the original plastic injection molded carts. I’d be curious to know how much it would cost to get new ones made if we had a mold!

Looks dope!
You can never go wrong with adding giant mushroom cloud explosions to something. 😀

Reel Big Fish wrote:
That looks amazing! Thanks for all the hard work!

Thanks RBF!

Next up is the Virtual Bowling manual! 😀

(PS: if your name is based on the band then you’re awesome)

Hey Thunderstruck!

I took some time to remake the logo in the tiny pixel version to make it look a bit more like the Japanese one.
Feel free to use it if you’d like. 🙂

I assumed the black was transparent, but here’s two version in case not. Oh, and a gray one… because I’m a noob and don’t know what’s required. 😛

I was never able to finish the manual for Virtual Fishing because there wasn’t a fully translated ROM to take screenshots from, but now thanks to Thunderstruck I’ve been able to finish it!!


Virtual Fishing is now fully ready for CIBs. 😀
(Box, Manual, Label, and ROM)

If I had money… I’d buy soo much off you. xD

Oh s###! You’re the man, dawg! 😀
Virtual Fishing was the first English box I made, so I’ve been dreaming of the day the full English translation was finished.


CIBs anyone?

I haven’t viewed the poll yet because my account is still being reviewed for approval, but I already made boxes, stickers, and manuals for most the remaining Japanese only games if you’re interested~ 🙂

( Virtual Bowling )

Ooooh~ This is nice. 😀

I was late to the party last time, so I think I’ll embrace the opportunity and snag one. 🙂

Thanks RD!

Do you think we need manuals as well?
I think yes!! :thumpup:

I finished the template for the manual covers. 😀


pinmagic wrote:
Nice work!

Thanks!! 😀

I also finished cart labels for all 6 of the games~ :thumpup:


Glover wrote:
Just popping in to say – these are totally killer! Keep up the good work! 😀

Thanks Glover!! 😀

I just finished the last box… Space Invaders!!… and have uploaded it!
Here are the updated links!

I currently aim to do the following:
– Virtual Fishing [ (!) ]
– Insmouse No Yakata [ (!) ]
– Space Invaders [ (!) ]
– Virtual Bowling [ (!) ]
– Virtual Lab [ (!) ]
– V-Tetris [ (!) ]

Here is a link to a preview of the completed ones so far!

All the links are in order, so if you’re looking for Space Invaders it will be the 3rd link. 😀

I can’t believe I’ve finally finished all 6 of them!
WOO!! :vb:
It took about 3 months to finish them all, but I’m glad I spent the time to do so.