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@virtuousrageRegistered January 9, 2017Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
128 Replies made

I just finished the V-Tetris box and have uploaded it!
Here are the updated links!

I currently aim to do the following:
– Virtual Fishing [ (!) ]
– Insmouse No Yakata [ (!) ]
– Space Invaders
– Virtual Bowling [ (!) ]
– Virtual Lab [ (!) ]
– V-Tetris [ (!) ]

Here is a link to a preview of the completed ones so far!

Only one more to go!!! I’m coming for you Space Invaders. >:D

I just finished the Virtual Lab box and have uploaded it!
Here are the updated links!

I currently aim to do the following:
– Virtual Fishing [ (!) ]
– Insmouse No Yakata [ (!) ]
– Space Invaders
– Virtual Bowling [ (!) ]
– Virtual Lab [ (!) ]
– V-Tetris

Here is a link to a preview of the completed ones so far!

Honestly, I hate this freaking games logo and art. I think it’s all rather ugly. Haha!
I also found it reeeeaaally difficult to write anything for the back side. :p

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
By the way, great job on the boxes!

Thanks Ben! 🙂

I fixed the black going to gray btw. Seems like Sketchfab isn’t to friendly to CMYK textures. I had it that way for printing, but switching it to RGB for this purpose is fine~

I think I’ll model a virtual boy cart next!
Followed by a Virtual Lab box!

Holy cow! Your set-up looks great!!
But, what on earth are those other two Gundam games?! :O
I don’t think I’ve ever seen those in my life.


If the Virtual Bowling box black areas appear gray, it’s a bug. I assure you they’re black.
Something is going on with the SketchFab side where they are doing some texture conversion for some reason and it’s changing the black to gray. O_O

They didn’t do it on the other two… so I have no idea.
Gonna send them a ticket.

I just finished the Virtual Bowling box and have uploaded it!
Here are the updated links!

I currently aim to do the following:
– Virtual Fishing [ (!) ]
– Insmouse No Yakata [ (!) ]
– Space Invaders
– Virtual Bowling [ (!) ]
– Virtual Lab
– V-Tetris

Here is a link to a preview of the completed ones so far!

I was going to update the 1st post as well, but I couldn’t figure out how to do that. Are you able to edit your posts on this forum?

Wyndcrosser wrote:
Great work, my only request would be to see if uncle tusk can provide you a copy of the other boxes made, so your design will match what many of us already have.

Thank you!
I hope you don’t take this as rude, but even if Uncle Tusk offered me the template he uses… I would turn it down.
As much as I wanted to share these with the community and everyone at PVB, I did these firstly and foremost… myself.
I wanted to challenge myself to recreate the box from scratch while still looking as close as possible to the original. But at the same time have a little bit of my own personal uniqueness to it.
That way one could be like, “Oh, this is an Uncle Tusk Box” and “This is a VirtuousRage Box”.

Truthfully, if you placed it right next to your Baseball box, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference~~ 😎

speedyink wrote:
Unless whoever scored the English proto steps forward with a screenshot of the title screen we won’t know for 100%.

They must come forth and reveal their secrets!!!

Thanks guys! 🙂

I think the planned named for Insmouse no Yakata was Mansion of Insmouse, though. At least that’s how it’s reported on this site.

To be honest, I struggled with this a lot when making the box. On one had you have it literally saying “INSMOUSE” on the damn box as well as all the translations you folks of PVB have done. But then on the other, you have a place like Wikipedia who on the VirtualBoy game list translates it to “Innsmouth Mansion”, but then you click the link of the game and they then translate it to “The Mansion of Innsmouth”… (Thanks for the consistency Wiki)

Really I had to just ask myself, is this game is truly based on the H. P. Lovecraft novel and if so… would this be changed in localization? I convinced myself it would be.

BUT, it’s pretty easy to change back if need be. 😛

If you’re looking to get boxes printed Uncle Tusk around here has printed boxes in the past.

Oh! I’ve bought stuff from him before. I’ll totally have to hit him up!

You may have seen me at that Portland expo, such random dumb luck that I was in town that weekend. Luckily a retro game shop had some advertisements for it and I happened to see them the night before the main selling day at the expo 😄. Did you get the Gundam from that guy who was in the very back corner? I bought some of his NES repros…

Oh snap! We were passing ships in the night my friend! Haha.
That is exactly the guy I got them from! This was my second year at PRGE, so when I was waiting in line for the door to open I thought to myself… “I’m going straight to the back to try and avoid the crowd as they flood the front shops”… and I’m so glad I did. Haha! He hadn’t even finished unpacking when I got there and told me to just dig around. I sat in front of a tub and lifted up some random empty nes boxes and BAM! There it was sitting in all it’s glory. :]

On a side note, I tried using the embedding version of the SketchFab viewer so you guys wouldn’t have to follow the link to the site, but I couldn’t get it to work. Any ideas?

P.S. I’m currently working on the Virtual Bowling box. 😀