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@willy105Registered July 22, 2007Active 16 years, 5 months ago
21 Replies made

Very smart cameo.

Everything collects dust.

The Wii does too.

If you look closely, my Wii is very dusty.

Yet I use it everyday.

The only way for it not to be dusty is if you wiped it everyday. 🙂

This device would be really usefull.

First of all, I need to get a Virtual Boy….

Yes it does, since that is actually the only part of the timeline that is confirmed to be true by Nintendo.

I do remember that camera. It had so much potential….

What are you talking about!?!

That’s a great name!

I don’t feel it.

Not like Steve Irwin or Christopher Reeve.

The big thing would be Mario Land VB.

That would have been a killer app.

And then a new Zelda game…..

And then a new Final Fantasy game……..



……………..among other things. 😛

That is news!

Well, there has to be at least one Virtual Boy controller in existance in your area.

Looks like a killer app.

This is cool. I was a fan of the classic theme butthis ain’t half bad at all.

I’m not sure I get this.


VB fans unite!

Attack the ripper!!!!

But…bu…I can’t read German! :woah:

That’s kinda of a big news. :thumpup:

😮 Awsome! This will speed up Virtual Boy development, meaning MORE NEW GAMES!

Maybe it is the batteries, hopefully.

The last thing you want is for the VB to die and need to give the money back.

Nintendo won’t repair Virtual Boy’s. I think.

Aww, the video was removed by the user.

Wonder why?