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@woolfmanRegistered October 13, 2010Active 3 years, 1 month ago
96 Replies made

Yes, thats a good idea. Hope it will work out, as I also want the game one day soon, and it would be quite unfair to those like me who don´t own a copy of it…

For the second part I think it sounds like corroded contacts. Wipe them with alcohol or contact cleaner.

The first issues sounds like defective displays…had the same problem with my vb. Turned out that it reacted with lines showing up the most when i was playing 3d-intense graphics-heavy (bg, mg, fg at the same time) games.

This defect can have the silliest appearances, as I noticed so far. But quite certainly it sounds like a defective display cable….

Awsome Graphics. Cant wait to see it as a real Game, fully playable. That would be really really cool. Like the professional style of it.

Well, I came across the VB by accident.

I always was into the small Handhelds, later on I had a Gameboy when it came out. Sold all the stuff later on to buy an RC car. Wish i hadnt done it now, since all the games increased so much in value that it costs me a fortune to get back some of teh cool Game & Watches again…

So I started collecting Tabletops, which i never was into, because they weren´t common at my place. Buy slowly expanding my collection I ran into a collector who was selling of some parts. Including a nearly mint VB, incl some Games for it and got it for a fair price (though not cheap).

That´s how I came into it, and I am very very happy with it. Wish i had had one, when they were popular.

Not played yet, but collect games. And it is on #1 on my want list. I already have a Colorvision, but unfortunately only 1 Game for it…

1 Entex Adventure Vision
2 VB
3 Lynx
4 Romtec Colorvision
5 Tabletops/Handhelds

One other problem is that capabilities of this system never really were pushed to the limit.

Red Alarm and Wario Land clearly showed off what was possible to create a third dimension in gaming. Unfortunately most Game Designers lacked the fantasy to play with it.

In my opinion the VB isn´t a platform for puzzlers and pinball spin-offs, those games are simply not “visual” enough to benefit from 3D in Gameplay.

I think people sensed that, apart from the clumsyness as a “handheld” console….

I bet the guy that did this “review” never owned one of the consoles…

Afaik = As Far As I Know

Btw, did you notice the misspelling in the topic thread? 😉

Did anybody here ever try a “VictorMaxx” for the PC? What was it like?
Is it sort of 3D for PC games, or what? didn´t find any good info on google…

In recent times I check on a regular basis…

Personally I think it is one of the best designed fansites with the most comprehensive content on a single “portable” console.

There´s nothing as good on the VB for Lynx or GameGear afaik.
Wish I had come across that years before.

Good Job!

“von morintari am 04.09.2012 00:18:24

I may just be showing my ignorance here but I can’t help but to wonder if that console could be fitted into a VB head mounted display simular to that of Cyberdyne’s awesome work just not so exspensive.”

that´s exactly what I had in mind.

Curious though about that game…

Well thats the same as watching VB games on a TV – just having done it. There is no real benefit from that too, except that you can watch a small resolution on a big screen.

The reason behind it is first to have games run faster and second “having done it”. At least for me that is a good reason…and playing Red Alarm smoother than others too.

It wasn´t meant to be spam. But I saw this quickly vanishing out of sight and thought on the weekend there might be more attention on this topic for others being interested.

To be honest, I don´t want to kill my VB just for the sake of soldering something without knowing about it. Having somebody who has the knowledge and the passion to find out and posting a how-to is something common on other forums if you take a look around. And I am always happy to follow in those footsteps.

I wouldn´t touch the electronics unless i had a tutorial for that. And getting into all the circuit-board-related-stuff is definitely for someone with either lots of time or real knowledge. I don´t have the time and the unlimited resources of VBs to acquire that (by simple try-and-error that I am capable of in this particular dimension).

I think that there are more talented and more knowledgeable people out there who can figure this out way easily and faster than I could.


I´d like to address this again…perhaps someone here in the forum is willing to have a look at this and can find out if there´s a workaround to get the VB overclocked AND the mirrors spinning at the right speed…..

ENTEX Defender.


I believe you. It is just that the package hasn´t arrived yet – postage between the Nederlands and Austria usually is very fast, just a few days.

Hey, did you get my displays for repair now? Shipped it a week ago…