let’s all just make sure we’re using the same template, I can’t tell you annoying it is to print off a bunch of inserts and 2/3 of them are different from one another (graphics used, etc.) lol.
I wouldn’t suggest anything like this, I mean. Once you get to know someone, you can “talk” more and get to know them and then “hang out”, like you would in the real world… 90% of what happens here is on the grey side of the line (if you know what I mean), so count me out with giving a side my information or linking me to what we already due here.
But, if you guys end up doing something like that, good luck and god speed.
Funny you’d ask about this, I just started working on redoing all the NA titles to the better template and doing homebrew, translated, and proto covers.
The cost of everything (repro CIB) to me is hopefully paying back the big dog who dropped the money for cart in the first place, as well as those who recoded it and designed/produced the materials.
To be honest.
I do purchase stickers/labels and manuals from Uncletusk, but I usually already have a lot of these games already on homemade PCB’s. I’m curious if some of that money goes to the buyer. I took minestorm’s design and modified it to allow me to use smaller chips (not 27c302’s). I’ll release the PCB design in the future, if Minestorm doesn’t mind as it was 90% his design.
I used baking clay (shoved it up into the ext port (with circuit cleaner, so nothing would stick). I then trimmed the outside and then baked it. After baking, I cut it in half with a thin wire cutter. I hollowed out the inside and then on the outside for the connector portion, I used conductive liquid tape with pieces of copper attached to it and stuck them in all 8 spots.
I drilled 8 small holes into the backs of each side at all 8 spots and connected small wires to it, and soldered them to the breadboard for now. I then jumped the traces to the RJ45 socket making sure everything touched. I tested the setup using a multi-meter and then glued the “connector VB” portion together for a strong hold. I then lightly hand painted everything.
I know a lot of random work right lol? But I don’t have the tools handy to do what I’d like to do (similar to the great work you’re doing).
Now, I noticed the leverage issues as well before I started the project. What I did to compensate for it was I actually used a longer screw and I cut the breadboard to wrap around the VB further up and use the screw next to the controller port and to the North of the EXT port. I only had to use like an 2in screw. I think I’ll have to use a washer, or cut the screw down for a tighter fit.
So just messing around, it does work and it looks pretty good for about 3 hours work and just goofing around with it.