Oh sorry been a busy week and this had slipped my mind. And yes, it’s the same list. I looked at Gigaleak 2 and 3 (4 depending on how you count things), I didn’t see anything beyond that list, which is rather unfortunate. After the lotcheck lists for NES and Gameboy came the actual lotcheck roms with many that had never been leaked before. So had there been anything on the VB list, like Dragon Hopper for example, it would be a safe bet that it eventually gets released as well. But sadly it seems doubtful that the rest of the yet to release leaks will have any new Virtual Boy roms.
I looked into this and got the list from the latest leak. There is nothing unknown in it, not even Faceball or Bound High, just the retail games. I’ll post a translation of it later.
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by
Have you tried turning it off and then back on?
There is also this guy, “Cheapest-deals-here”. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Space-Invaders-Nintendo-Virtual-Boy-Game-Brand-New-Complete-MINT-USA/
This now shows a US Repro box for Space Invaders, but this use to be a Japanese fake, this exact same listing. I had it in my Watchlist. He changed the image and title recently, but it use to be a “bad fold” Japanese fake.
I messaged him ages ago regarding it being fake, explained why it was fake. He claimed I was full of it and threatened to try to get me banned from ebay for “harassing” him. He clearly knew what he was doing, he was selling like 5 of them so it wasn’t something he mistakenly bought, and now was mistakenly reselling. He claims in all his listing “It comes from his personal collection” which is a clear lie as well. Now the same listing shows a US repro box, so I take it he finally got in trouble and changed what he was selling. That tells me he personally is making the fakes and has the capability to switch and print something else whenever he wants.
So he knew it was fake the entire time which is no surprise, but a heads up, he’s a con artist, he knows what he’s doing, and he has no problem scamming anyone so watch out for that account. Even worse, as I said, he just changed the image and name recently, he only had 1 left, and still does. The 6 sold, were back when he had the Japanese fake. So he sold 6 “bad flap” japanese fakes and got away with it and they are now floating around out there. Oh and the price use to be around twice as much too.
I’ve been curious about the leak myself. But I don’t have a clue how about 4chan, and I can’t find the leak to actually look through it and see if there is anything Virtual Boy related in there.
Alright, woke up and wasn’t quite happy with em before. So I redid it a bit. Here’s my updated stuff.
EDIT: Decided to revise this a bit.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
Looks good. If you are interested in a better source for starting to do this, I have created and shared a very accurate and quite customizable box template that you can check out here: https://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=7452&forum=1
Oh, please tell me you used antistatic foam??
Schwanck wrote:
Thanks everyone for your work and contribution. I’ll add these labels inside so in the future this could be prevented again.Too bad I spent to much and the story wasn’t different. Gonna take a long time to pay off.
I have plans of what I’m going to do with it and should be done tomorrow.
Eh, I wouldn’t bother with the stickers. For it to end up questionable again in the future, someone would have to deceive the next buyer, and if they are willing to do that, they’d just remove them.
Also, thanks to your pics, each board has tiny differences and your specific board is now distinguishable if anyone were to try and sell it as something different in the future.
Ah, well I can agree with you about the title of “prototype”, technically these are a developer cart rather than an actual prototype. But it’s the name that stuck, so in that sense, they are all refereed to as prototypes, the content certainly has a big impact, but it’s still a neat and rather uncommon item anyway.
I’ve heard of them selling a while back on yahoo auctions, but beyond that, I’ve only ever seen 3 of these for sale. The Virtual League Baseball one, which has an even more ridiculous price tag but it believed to be authentic, the copy of Panic Bomber (1 of 2 known and documented copies), and this one. I know of a 4th one that sold, but I believe it was a private sale, I never actually saw it for sale publicly. Even then, Virtual League Baseball might have never actually sold due to it’s price, though I haven’t seen it listed in a good bit now, prior to that it was listed for years. So even without something authentic flashed on it, it’s still neat as a generic BA3A cart. It still is a rather uncommon collection piece that’s missing from many really nice collections that I’ve seen due to it’s rarity.
This reply was modified 5 years ago by
If the binary matches with the final version of the game you can not call that a prototype anymore. It would be more of a review version if legit.
It’s still on a prototype cart. Whats on it beyond that just affects it value, not whether it’s a prototype or not.
With the final version of the game and no other content on it, the board is not worth 2000 USD. 🙁
The board alone maybe 350-500.
In my opionion, for that much money, the seller should have given much more proof of the content.
Sadly I have to agree, without any history on it, and with a questionable chip and dump, it’s worth much much less than the 2000.
That said, I dont think that even a real prototype (early version of the game) of Virtual Fishing would be worth 2000 USD.
An undumped prototype for Virtual Fishing would very likely be worth that if not more. Being undumped and unique makes it much more valuable for those with deep pockets.
But regarding the cart, it is still a very uncommon quite hard to find item. They rarely leave collectors hands, and when they do they’re likely to end up in the hands of someone who’s not going to part with it in the future. You’d probably have a hard time returning it, as it was still as advertised. And even if you did, it’s gonna be a while until another one, especially one of the few verified ones, pops up again.
I was looking over the images and the chips. The chips on this prototype are Texas Instruments, which seems rather odd for a Japanese cart. Looking up the chips, the data sheets are from 1997, however I’m unable to tell if that’s when production started or just when this revised data sheet was released. The date code I believe is YMLLLS. Which would mean a year of 5, and a month of 3. This could be 03/1995, which would put it around what it should be, however it could also be 03/2005 which would mean the chips came much too late. Looking at the listings images, I do notice one of the chips use to have a sticker on it, which was removed. That’s also not a good sign, while it’s possible it was like that going back to development, it’s also possible it was removed to erase the chips and flash the dump onto the cart.
I would recommend contacting “Benjamin Stevens”. He’s rather knowledgeable on the prototype carts. He may be able to help you with verifying the authenticity of the cart. Here’s his profile. https://www.planetvb.com/modules/usercenter/index.php?section=profile&uid=1643
I missed that another prototype went up for sale. If you don’t mind my asking, it looks like it listed at $2000, did you make an offer or did you pay the full asking price?
@pinmagic – The hole is for erasing the data. Shining light into the hole erases the chip so it can be rewritten with something new. It’s a rather old method.
Also, I was thinking this was one of the known prototypes, but I was mistaking it for Virtual Bowling. You should definitely do some research on this one for values sake. There were some blank prototype carts that came out a while back and people just wrote random dumps onto them. It’s history will highly impact it’s value. There are seven known EP-ROM carts out there that are easier to verify due to their public history. Faceball, Virtual Bowling, Space Pinball, Jack Bros, 2 Panic Bombers, and Virtual League Baseball for known EPROM carts. There is also a Bound High Flash cart. It would definitely be worth your time and effort to try and establish some authentic history behind this one, the easiest way would have been some difference in the ROM, but it seems there isn’t any unfortunately.
clonecman wrote:
vuefinder83 wrote:
these misprints aren’t common, but they do happen. I have a Wario Land demo cart that has white along the tops of the letters on the Virtual Boy logo where there shouldn’t be.I wonder if all Wario Land demo carts have this error? Mine does as well, and every one currently on ebay has this same error.
I was gonna say, I believe they actually all have that same error. Mine does as well, and when I was looking around and noticed it, I never found one that didn’t.
Another option if you are interested in making them, https://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=7303&forum=3
You might also be able to get some repro makers to print them on quality cardstock and send em to you for cutting and assembly.
With Flashboy no longer being produced, I think most people would welcome any solution. Wouldn’t hurt to have two tiers, a cheaper and a more expensive option. I’m guessing Multiboy32 will be pretty pricey and it might turn a lot of people off, having a cheaper simple option like a Flashboy might help expand the market for homebrew. Could do a Flashboy32 and a Multiboy32.
AceGrey wrote:
I only have to game so far but here are some photos!
I appreciate the effort, but specifically looking for comparisons of the NFR and Retail Wario Land and Red Alarm carts.
boye wrote:
My Wario board has a 6 on it, if that helps.
If you could upload images and list if it’s NFR or retail that would be helpful.
boye wrote:
I noticed my non-NFR copy of Wario Land had an NFR board.
Could you take pictures and provide more information? What I have found is very limited and may not prove anything. I need more people to check their NFC and Retail carts, and post their results here so we can find any trends and potentially find something that only exists in one or the other.