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@yupferrisRegistered May 30, 2013Active 4 years, 2 months ago
5 Replies made

Thanks for the interest, and thanks for the test and kind words, KR155E!

This emulator is primarily targeting Windows, MacOS, and Linux. The binary builds available are just some test builds to test our CI setup, and we’re waiting a bit until we’re ready to release a 1.0 with better compatibility and using libretro/retroarch as our primary frontend before we put out more. However, the emu is open-source, and you’re more than welcome to build it yourself! If you give that a shot and run into any problems, feel free to file an issue on the github repo and we’ll get it sorted. 🙂

I actually forgot I had a discord account already! Sent you a request. I’m yupferris#1454. 🙂

Today’s stream is already on youtube 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-dm4z5fJ1U

Hehe, didn’t expect to see this on the front page. Thanks for posting! 🙂

@Guy Perfect: Are you on anything else, perhaps slack? I can probably find you on skype, but I’m not usually on there. Is IRC perhaps another option? 🙂

I’ll be streaming again this evening at 20:00 CET where I’ll go over the latest updates and do some more livecoding for anyone who’s interested/curious: https://www.twitch.tv/ferrisstreamsstuff